Nice To Meet You

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Toni let out a breath as she helped her mom grab the boxes out of the car.

Just ahead of her senior year her mother had decided to move Toni and her little sister to a new place.

Her reasoning was that they needed a 'fresh start and new scenery'. She didn't receive much pushback from either of her daughters. Toni don't care because it's not like she had any friends to leave behind and Jacie was only 4 so she didn't really care.

"So how do you like your new room?" Regina asked walking into Toni's room.

"It's cute. I just have to decorate it for it to really feel like mine I guess." Toni said as she stared around the room

Regina noticed Toni's long expression and went up to her daughter pulling her into a hug. She pulled back and stared at her.

"Look I know these last few years have been rough but I promise you from now on things are gonna be better. I love you ok." Regina said with tears in her eyes

"I love you too Mom." Toni said as she hugged her mother again.

They walked out of Toni's room, down the stairs, and back outside to finish unloading the car.

Toni found herself struggling to hold one box up and just as it was about to fall, someone caught it. When she turned around she locked eyes with a boy. He looked to be around her age and he was smiling.

"Hi, I'm Kenneth but everyone calls me Kenny. I noticed you wear struggling while I was getting ready for my jog so I decided to come over and offer my help. Good thing I came right then huh." He laughed

"Yea, thanks for that. I'm Toni. Me, my mom and my little sister just moved in, as you can see." She said gesturing to the house.

"Well looks like we're neighbors. That's my house over there." Kenny said pointed to the house next door.

"Toni what is taking you so long out here?" Regina said coming out of the house. "Oh, I see." She said smirking

"Mom stop. This is Kenny. He lives next door and offered to help us carry some boxes and the more heavy stuff."

"Only if it's ok with you, ma'am." Kenny said quickly

"Of course. We could use all the extra hands we can get. Come on."

Kenny followed Regina into the house as Toni picked up another box and got in line.

About an hour later they had everything inside and started to unpack.

"Kenny, would you like something to drink, you've been working hard." Regina asked

"Sure. Water is fine."

He turned to Toni who was unpacking boxes. "Soooo, where are you from?"

"I'm from Maryland. What about you? Have you lived here all your life?"

" Sort of. I was born in Indiana but my family moved here to Atlanta when I was little so this has always been home to me."

"Oh cool." Toni said and turned back to unpacking her boxes.

Kenny felt awkward just standing until Regina came back with his water. "Thanks Ms. B."

"No problem. Hey it's getting late, your folks are probably wondering where you are."

"Yea you're right. It was nice meeting you guys. I guess I'll see you at school Toni."

"Um yea. It was nice meeting you to, I guess I'll see ya." She said giving a small smile and wave.

Regina walked Kenny to the door. "I know you guys just met and this may be too much to ask but, could you help her out when school starts. She's a sweet girl and I just want her to have a better time here than she did at her old school. She went through a bit of bullying and I'd feel better knowing she had a friend."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'd love to help her out. I'll make sure she knows her way around the building and I'll be there if she needs anything."

"Thank you Kenny. You have a good night."

"You too Ms. B" and with that he was out the door.

Later that night.......

Toni had just fallen asleep when she heard little feet padding across her floor. She sat up to see Jacy standing at the foot of her bed.

"Toni, can I sleep with you. It's scary in my room."

"Sure, come on."

Jacie came around the bed and hopped in immediately snuggling up to Toni.

Since Jacie was about 2 she would always find her way into Toni's room to sleep. Regina was always working late so Toni was her only option.

Toni rubbed Jacie's head and half sang half hummed her to sleep. Once Jacie was fully asleep, Toni gave her a kiss in the forehead and went to sleep herself.

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