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A few weeks had passed and Toni had finally gotten settled into her new home. Summer was coming to an end and she had to get prepared for her first day of senior year tomorrow.

"Toniiiiiii!" Jacie called. Toni turned around to see Jacie who's hair was wild and unkempt.

"Can you do my hair. Pleeeaaaaseee?"

"Where's Mom why didn't you ask her?" Toni asked

"She left already. She told me to ask you to do it or she'd be late."

Toni let out a breath. "Fine, go get your hair box."

Jacie ran out the room and came back moments later with a box full of ribbons, bows, and hair products. She walked over to Toni's vanity and sat her box on top and tried to climb on top of the stool.

Toni saw her struggling and came over to sit her up right. Once Jacie was settled she started to do her hair.

"How do you want your hair?" Toni asked

"Ummm. Oh can I have two ponytails with ribbons on top?"

"Whatever you want princess." Toni gave Jacie her phone to play with so she could get her hair done.

About 10 minutes later she was done.

"Ok! Your all done, you like it?"

Jacie looked at herself in the mirror. "Yess I love it! Thank you Toni!" Jacie jumped up in the seat and into Toni's arms giving her a hug. Toni giggled as she put her down.

"Ok cool now I'm hungry." Jacie said with her hand on her hip.

" Alright, what do you want to eat then?"

"Lemme think about it." And with that she ran out of the room

Toni laughed as she turned around to clean up Jacie's hair products from her desk.

Once she was finished with that she went to her closet to find something to wear. She just threw on some shorts and a T-shirt and walked down stairs.

She was headed to the kitchen until the doorbell rang. She made her way to the door and found Kenny on the other side.

"Hi. I was just coming over to see how you guys were doing. Looks like your all settled in." Kenny said

"Umm yea. We're as settled as we're going to get I guess." Toni said with a laugh "Umm I was just getting ready to make breakfast. Why don't you come in and have some."

"Sure, what are you making?"

"Well that's up to-"

"Toniiiii! I know what I want. I want blueberry waffles with eggs and sausage. Oh and some orange juice" Jacie said making her way over to Toni

"Sure, princess."

Jacie looked up at Kenny and hid behind Toni's leg.

"It's ok Jacie, this is Kenny. He's really nice, he helped us carry boxes when we moved in."

Kenny kneeled down to wear she was. "Hi, beautiful, you must be Jacie." Kenny held his hand out

She nodded her head and looked up at Toni. "It's ok Jacie."

She looked back at Kenny and shook his hand as a small smile crept on her face. "I'm Jacie, I'm four. I'm almost five so technically I'm four and three quarters."

"Wow you're really smart."

"I know." Jacie said making Kenny and Toni laugh

"Alright princess, you wanna help me cook." Toni said

"Oh fun!" Jacie said grabbing Toni's hand as they walked toward the kitchen

"You guys need any help." He said as he joined them in the kitchen.

"Umm yea. Can you grab that blender out of that cabinet right there?" Toni pointed

"Wow I just noticed how short you are." He joked

"Shut up." She laughed

Kenny watched as Jacie put blueberries in the batter while Toni mixed as they laughed. He thought back to what Regina said. He couldn't understand why anyone would bully Toni. She was so kind and patient with Jacie and was really nice to him.

Once Toni had gotten Jacie's plate made and she was eating she and Kenny took their plates to the living room.

"So are you excited for your first day tomorrow" Kenny asked

"Honestly, I'm a little nervous. What if people don't like me and I don't make any friends."

"That's not gonna happen, I'll make sure of it. Besides you already made one friend." Toni looked at him and laughed

"How about we ride to school together tomorrow." He continued

Toni thought  about it for a second then liked back at him. "Sure why not." She smiled

After breakfast, Kenny decided to help Toni clean up.

Toni finally got a chance to take in his features as he washed to dishes. He had a strong chiseled jaw, muscular arms, the most rich chocolate skin and beautiful jet black curls.

"Shit"  Kenny exclaimed snapping Toni out of her trance. He had splashed water on his shirt and it was now soaked.

Toni started to giggle making Kenny look at her.

"Oh you think this is funny huh?" He chuckled.

"Just a little" Toni said holding up her thumb and pointer finger close together.

Kenny turned back around and filled his hands with water splashing Toni with it. Toni and Kenny laughed as she ran around the kitchen trying to get away from him.

By the time they stopped laughing they were both soaked.

Toni stopped and stared at Kenny's body which she could now clearly see through his shirt.

"Umm I'm gonna go get cleaned up. You should probably do that too. I'll see you at school tomorrow." She said as she headed to her room.

Toni thought about how Kenny looked in his soaked shirt.


Jacie came into her room. "Can we go to the park later?"

"Sure princess. How about after I change we can go?"

"Ok!" Jacie jumped onto Toni's bed grabbing the remote. Toni shook her head and headed into her bathroom to clean up.

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