First Date?

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The school day went by rather quickly and so did tryouts. Toni was pretty confident that she had made it and was excited to be putting herself back out there after being a hermit these past few years.

"Alright ladies you will receive an email or text letting you know that you have made the team in the next few days. Good job guys and have a Goodnight!" Coach Taylor said.

Toni and a Tionne headed to the locker room to grab their stuff and head out.

"You coming over today?" Tionne asked

"Umm not today, I kinda already have plans."

"Ohh is it a boy. Wait is that why you were so giddy this morning?!! Bitch is is Kenny?!!" Tionne said causing everyone to look at them.

"Shhhhh. And yes but we're taking things slow right now. I'm going to meet him after football practice and we're going to get ice cream and to the park."

"Aww cute. Well we can ride over there together I have to meet Q anyway." Tionne said putting on lipgloss. "What don't look at me like that. He's annoying but he's cute sometimes. Plus he got a big dick so."

"You know what I did not need to hear that. And I thought y'all hated each other?"

"Girl no, we just like to keep it on the low. We don't like people in our business like that. Especially Jade's nosy ass." Tionne rolled her eyes making Toni giggle.

"You're so silly. Come one let's go."

"Oh you ready to see your man." Tionne grabbed her bag and they walked to her car.

Once they made it to the field they sat in the bleachers and watched as the boys wrapped up practice. Soon Q and Kenny were making their way up to the girls.

"Hey beautiful." Kenny and Toni shared a kiss. "How was tryouts?"

"I did really good. I think I made it to be honest."

"That's my girl." Kenny said hugging her

"Wassup ugly." Q greeted Tionne

"Cut the shit, she knows." Tionne rolled her eyes

"Well then bring yo fine ass here. Q said pulling her closer and smacking her ass. "Wassup lil bit." He greeted Toni

"Nothing much Dumbo." Toni said making fun of his ears.

"You know what." Q said fake crying causing everybody to laugh.

"What y'all finna go do?" Kenny asked

"Shit I'm tryna get me a lil sumn sumn if you know what I mean." He whispered to Kenny

"Well go head playa. We out anyway." The boys dapped each other up and parted ways.

Kenny and Toni made it to her house and walked in.

"Thanks for watching Jacie, Mrs Johnson." Toni told the old lady that watched Jacie until Toni or her mom got home. She handed her the check her mother wrote for her and walked her to the door.

"Jacieeeee! Where are you at munchkin?" Toni went up stairs to find Jacie in her room playing with dolls.  "You ready to go get some ice cream and go to the park?"

Jacie's eyes lit up as she quickly got her shoes and ran down stairs. Toni laughed and followed her.

As soon as she saw Kenny she jumped into his arms. It was pretty much what she did every time she saw him.

"Alright let's go get some ice cream!" Kenny sat her down so he could carry her car seat out to the car. Once she was secured in they were on their way.

As soon as they made it to the ice cream shop, Jacie's eyes lit up. She practically jumped out of the seat once Toni unbuckled her.

They sat at a booth and decided what they wanted.

" Alright what flavor do you guys want?" Kenny asked

"I want rainbow swirl with sprinkles." Jacie said

"I'll just have strawberry Toni said.

"Alright I'll be right back."

Jacie climbed into Toni's lap and faced her.

"What are you looking at princess?"

"You look really happy? Is something making you happy."

"I guess you can say that." Toni laughed

"Oh is it ice cream? Because ice cream makes me happy!"

"Sure munchkin, we can call it ice cream."

"Alright I'm back. Here is your ice cream. Jacie turned around in Toni's lap and ate her ice cream while Kenny and Toni talked a little. Once she was done Toni got her cleaned up and they headed out.

"We can walk across the street to the park right there so you can run that energy out." Kenny said to Jacie

Jacie grabbed Kenny and Toni's hands and walked in the middle of them. She laughed as they picked her up and swung her a few times as they walked to the park.

They let Jacie run around while they sat on a bench not too far.

" So who are you Miss Toni Braxton? You're such a mystery." Kenny said

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like you only let me and the gang in on a surface level but I know you're deeper than that. What was life like back home, how was your childhood, what are you afraid of, and what do you love?"

"Well it's always been just my mom and I. My dad was never there. I had a pretty great childhood for a while then things changed. Life was good until then. After that I spent most of my teen years as a hermit, obviously Jacie came sometime in between that time. I was so happy to have a little sister but even through she brought a little happiness it was still a pretty dark time. I got bullied and ridiculed for things I couldn't change. It got so bad that I tried to commit suicide last year. What really got me through it was Jacie. She was so scared when she came to see me in the hospital. She asked me if I was trying to leave her and that broke me. I love that little girl more than life and from then on I promised myself that I was going to be the best role model for her. After I recovered we moved here."

"Wow. I'm sorry you had to go through that. You're too kind of a person for that. You know you don't have to worry about any of that here right? I got you."

Toni didn't respond she just nodded her head and stared at Jacie playing on the slide.

Kenny noticed a tear fall from her eye. "Baby you don't have to cry. That part of your life is over."

"Yea. You're right, I just get emotional thinking about it. And there are things that just always remind me of it."

Toni knew she'd have to eventually let in all the way in soon for them to build a strong relationship but now was just not the right time.

Yet again, unbeknownst to them there was a person watching. This person had been watching for quite sometime and every time they see Toni and Kenny together. It infuriated them. They had half a mind go up to them and cause a scene but it wasn't the right time just yet. They slowly sulked off and got into their car and drove off.

Toni noticed the black car driving pass the park and got that nervous feeling again. "Jacie!! Come on munchkin time time go home and get washed up."

They walked back to the car as Toni kept looking back trying to see if she could still see the car. She just let it go and got Jacie buckled and got in the car.

Who do y'all think is watching them??

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