First Day Pt. 2

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Toni's first day was going smooth and she had already memorized most of the school. Most of her classes were with Tionne so she helped her find her way around.

The bell rang and they headed to lunch. They met up with Kenny and the rest of the group in the hallway.

"Alright so are we eating here or do y'all wanna go get something else?" Kenny asked

"Well I'd like to eat some real food so let's bounce." Tionne joked

"Ok cool, how about that new pizza place that just opened? Everybody cool with that?" Everyone nodded and headed to their cars.

Once Kenny and Toni made it to his car he stopped and looked at her. "So, how do you feel?"

"I feel better. Thanks for introducing me to your friends. I was nervous no one would like me."

"I told you I got you. And I knew they were gonna love you especially Tionne. She's cool with everyone."

"Yea but what about that Jade girl? She kind of gave me the cold shoulder."

"Ignore her, she's always like that and we've been friends for years. I promise she'll warm up to you."

"I guess." Toni said not really buying it.

"Don't look down like that. Your too beautiful to hold your head down." He said as he lifted her head by her chin

She just blushed. "Your so silly. Let's go eat."

The restaurant wasn't too far from school so they made it there in no time.

"There are the lovebirds. Bout time we been hungry as hell waiting on y'all." Q said

"Shut up" Kenny laughed dapping him and the rest of the guys up, while Toni just looked around the restaurant.

"Please she's not even his type." Jade mumbled but Toni heard her. She just looked down and twiddled with her fingers, something she did when she was nervous.

"Toni! You can sit beside me." Tionne said making Toni smile.

Once everyone was seated they all looked at the menu thinking of what they should order.

"How bout two fatass meat lover's pizza's?" Lance said as everyone nodded.

Kenny looked at Toni "Is that good for you?"

"Yea we don't want to force you to eat anything you don't like." Tionne reassured

"Yea you can always just get a salad. You look like a salad girl." Jade said with a smirk

"Ignore her." Tionne said as Jade rolled her eyes

"It's fine, pizza's good." Toni said

The group all engaged in little conversations as they waited on their food.

"So Toni do you play any sports or any other activity?" Alex asked

"Umm I play the piano. And I cheered for a little while in middle school but I had to quit because of personal issues."

"Well why don't you get back into it. Cheer tryouts are coming up in a few days. I can help you get ready." Alex smiled

"Yea I can help too." Tionne said

"You're a cheerleader?" Toni asked surprised

"Weird isn't it?" Q joked

"Shut up negro." Tionne said throwing a straw at him. "And yes, I am on the squad. We don't have a dance team so that was the closest thing."

"Oh that makes sense." Toni said

"Sooo. Are you gonna tryout?" Alex asked

"Yea. I think I will. It will be nice to have something to do."

"Jade why don't you prepare with us too? Come on it would be funnnn!" Alex said

"No thanks, I'm good. Besides I'm pretty sure I have captain in the bag." She said staring at her nails

"She's been trying for captin for two years now and she thinks she has a good chance this year." Tionne mumbled to Toni

"No I don't think, I know." Jade said staring at Toni

"No need to mention that's she's a cocky son of a gun too." Q joked nudging Jade as she rolled her eyes

Their food came and they ate while having conversations in between. Once they wrapped up they all headed to their cars.

"Hey Ken, I'm gonna ride with Tionne if that's ok with you." Toni said

"Oh yea that's fine. I'm just happy you're getting more comfortable with them." He said grabbing her hand.

"Well I have you to thank. I'll see you after school." She kissed his cheek and walked off the join Tionne who was waiting in her car.

Kenny watched as the girls laughed and joked around with each other before pulling off. He was happy that she was finding her way here and it was only her first day.

"Damn Kenny boy, she got you sprung." Q said throwing his arm around Kenny

"Shut up, no she doesn't." He said pushing Q

"Whatever you say man. Come on before we're late to class."

Meanwhile Alex and Jade rode back to school in silence until Alex spoke up.

"So what do you think of Toni. Personally I like her."

"I don't. There's something off about that girl."

"Jade your being paranoid. You just don't like her because she's around Kenny that's why."

"Girl please me and Kenny are old news. If he likes prissy little bougie girls who pretend to be shy and meek then that's him." Jade said rolling her eyes

"Whatever Jade you're crazy. She's a sweet girl, you'll see."

"Whatever you say Alex."

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