Fear of losing

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Bucky and Sam followed Bruce into his lab.

"You all need to leave!" Bruce said, getting stressed and worried.

They all left.

The avengers were all waiting outside waiting for Bruce to do something.

While they waited, Sam stayed close to Bucky. Everyone was silent. They didn't speak a word the whole time. Clint couldn't help the tears falling down his face.

5 minutes

10 minutes

20 minutes

30 minutes

40 minutes

50 minutes

1 hour

Bruce walked out of the lab.

Bucky reacted first. He stood up quickly.

"Is she ok?" He said, his voice breaking.

"She is...ok. But she needs a lot of rest. Nat's a fighter." Bruce said letting out a big breathe.

They all sighed in happiness. Clint cried at how happy he was.

"I don't want too many people in there. So a few of you can see her." Bruce walked into the room, letting them sort it out.

"I'm going!" Clint said first.

"I really need to see her." Bucky said, worrying. He needed to see her breathing.

"Bucky, she isn't even your friend." Steve said glaring at Bucky.

"What the hell Steve! We are best friends. Me and Sam! So shut up!" Bucky grabbed Sam shams and stormed into the room Nat was in.

Nat was laying on a hospital bed, smiling at Clint.

"Heyy guys." She said quietly.

They walked over and sat beside her.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling?" Sam said getting super worried.

"Sam. I'm fine. I promise. You know me. A bullet ain't gonna stop me." Sam smiled at her and felt a tear fall down. He was so scared he would lose her.

Bucky was silent, but relived. Seeing her alive and talking made him so much more relaxed.

"Hey Buck, you ok?"

"I'm fine, just glad to see you alive. God, you really scared us. Wait, who shot you?"

"Oh just some mis-guided teen. We have her, so don't worry." Bucky sighed.

"It's great to see you guys." Nat said holding both of their hands.

"Hey, don't forgot me!" Clint said grabbing her hand. Nat laughed at him and squeezed his hand.

Bucky and Sam left so others could see her, they didn't want her feeling crowded.

Bucky gave Steve a dirty look as he walked out.

The audacity Steve had to say they weren't friends. Bucky was absolutely furious and it was started to show.

Sam noticed and put his hand on his thigh.

"Bucky, what's wrong?"

"Steve." He whispered. Sam nodded and he too was angry at Steve. He couldn't believe he had said that to Bucky. Bucky and Nat had been friends for so long.

Steve walked out of the room and sat next to Bucky.

"Don't even bother, Steve"

Steve was shocked at angry he was and walked away, getting annoyed himself. Bucky knew Steve was about to play the victim. He was going to stop that.

He walked about to Steve, in front of everyone.

"You know what Steve, you don't have the right to get annoyed at me. You were the one telling me that I had to deal with you having other friends. Well you should take your own advice. Me and Nat are best friends and Sam is too. You never include us anything. Missions, conversations, anything. You can't have Nat for yourself, and you need to deal with your best friends having other friends because we do, so deal with it." He walked back to his previous seat next to Sam.

Everyone was absolutely stunned. They were all wide eyed. Bucky never spoke up like that before, he was always so quiet. But he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Bucky held Sam's hand where no one could see. Sam looked at him but didn't question in. Bucky needed comfort.

The avengers were really quiet the rest of the day. Steve and Bucky were avoiding each other, and Sam was glued to Bucky's side.

Clint spent most of the rest of the day with Nat.

Bucky was getting really stressed about Steve. He was scared he done the wrong thing. Maybe he was wrong. Steve had been his best friend for so long, maybe he shouldn't have shouted at him I front of everyone.

Bucky was getting anxious, so he got up and left and ran to his room.

He sat on the floor, head against the wall. He struggled to breathe. He was regretting what he had done. He felt so bad and hated himself.

He saw Sam open the door, and sighed of relief. He needed help being calmed down.

"I-I shouldn't h-have said t-that."

"You said what you felt. You were being honest." Sam sad whole rubbing circles on his back. He played with his hair which calmed him down.

"I-I know but m-maybe I should have kept it to myself. I keep ruining everything, Sam"

"You aren't ruining everything. Steve is the one in the wrong. He was rude to you, you were just honest to him." Bucky nodded at him.

"I'm not talking to him till he apologise. I'm not letting him get away with it."

"Good, cause I think you need some sleep." Bucky look terrified at the sound of sleep. He knew that last night was a one off and didn't think he could sleep again.

"Hey, I will help you sleep. I promise." They walked to Sam's room. Bucky stared at the bed, fearful.

"S-Sam. Could you read...to me?"
"Off course."

Sam got a book he was reading and put the lamp on. Bucky got comfy and closed his eyes.

He listened to Sam's relaxing voice. He hadn't noticed how soothing his voice was. It was like silk. It made him relax and release the tension in his body.

Bucky mentally slapped himself at how hard he was falling for Sam. It was dangerously quick. Like this happened really quickly, or maybe it wasn't so quick.

Bucky fell asleep quickly. Today was a wild day.

Sam watched Bucky's body and eyes relax as he read his book. He really did want to reach over and kiss him but he didn't want to ruin this friendship they had developed. He really treasured it and didn't want to ruin it.

Sam placed his book down and turned the lamp off. He faced towards Bucky's body and carefully placed his arm around Bucky. Bucky moved back into Sam's arms. Sam nestled his face into Bucky's shoulder and fell asleep.

They were both so tired from the day they had head. It was a bad day, but the beginning was pretty good.


Thank you so much for 1k reads! I'm actually freaking out like what the hell. Thank you so much for your comments and votes.

Also this book is number one on winterfalcon! I can't believe. Thank you guys so much.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter💖


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