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OK, calm down. Going out with Michael is always such a hassle, because I don't even know where I stand and I'm always so scared of someone secretly taking a picture of us, or whatever. I honestly just want to go home and sleep because I've been a wreck this entire day. After returning the money, I obviously went back to work. So basically, I've been up since 7 am and haven't rested for a while. This was pathetic. I was also losing so many followers on my fan account because I wasn't free to tweet and it was like... the main topic on twitter is: WHO IS THIS GIRL WITH MICHAEL. And honestly, I don't wanna go online and see myself getting hate. I tried to defend myself with all these, "we don't even know her!" Thank god my name on twitter isn't ANDREA, or else...

"So, what do you think?" Michael smiles at me, OK what? He was talking?

"You didn't hear a thing, did you?" he frowns.

Honestly, I felt bad, but I couldn't sit anymore. It was 8PM and we were in a restaurant, I ate alot and now I was just so sleepy, ugh. Why couldn't he take me out tomorrow?

"I'm sorry, I was just... thinking," I say.

"Are you alright?" he asks, genuinely.

No. I wasn't. I have no money at all. I'm gonna die.

"Yeah, just tired," I reply.

"Wanna go home and watch a movie?" he suggests.

"Yes," I reply, "I'll go to any place where there's a bed," I say.

He just chuckles and pays the bill. I feel bad again, I know I shouldn't let him pay all alone, but I can't help it okay? I have NO money. I just have enough to survive this month, that's all. We walk out together and get in the car, I sigh. Why am I so down today? I've had this money problem for a while now, why is it affecting me so much today?

"Are you really okay?" Michael asks.

"Umm, I was thinking that if I can work at your studio or something?" I say.

"Why?" he looks at me for a second and then concentrates on the road, "don't you work in a library already? Do you not like it there?"

"I do," I reply, "I wanna work in the studio or anywhere else as well, 80 pounds isn't enough,"

He stops the car near a place I don't even know, "Andrea, you're going to work EXTRA?" he asks.

"Where are we?" I ask back.

"My place," he replies, "I thought... we'd watch a movie?"

"Oh yeah," I reply, "I thought you were saying you'd come to my house,"

"No.. it's Sunday tomorrow right? I thought you won't worry about school," he says, "So I thought we'd hang around here,"

"Yeah, that's cool," I reply. Anyway, all I'd do at my house was overthink. It's cool I'm here.

I get out of the car and he does the same, "Why do you wanna do two jobs? How will you even handle school?"

"Just for this month," I sigh.

"And your finals?" he asks.

"I don't know," I snap, "They're in June,"

"But.. you gotta start studying from now?" He says.

"I just want a job for April!" I say, "I need it, 80 pounds is not fucking enough,"

"Why are you getting mad?" he yells too, "I'm just trying to figure out WHY you need money,"

"It's none of your fucking business, anyway!" I retort and we enter the house.

"Well, I am dating you, you seem worried, it is my fucking business," he says.

"Dating me? If you're dating me why did you say we're just FRIENDS then?" I ask, OK, I don't know where this is coming from, "Do you know Samantha thinks I'm a liar?"

"You did lie, didn't you?" he challenges, "we both lied,"

"Yeah, so? We've JUST met, right? We're just FRIENDS, right? Then why are you so worried?" I ask.

"Friends can be worried about each other," he shrugs.

OK, he's so annoying. He just said we're dating and now he's saying we're friends. We've known each other for a while now, like, we still talk A LOT and we talk ALL DAY, he should fucking know by now if he wants me to be his girlfriend or his friend.

"Right," I say at last, "Okay, you can be worried about your friends. Then don't tell me we're dating,"

"But.." he sighed, "Andrea, please, will you listen to me?"

"You can go make statements about both of us on my behalf, without asking me, without even considering to ask me, and then you come around saying ..." I take a deep breath, "just forget it, I'm way too tired for this,"

"I like you," he says quickly, "I really like you. I enjoy talking to you, you make me laugh and I'm so totally addicted to starting conversations with you because.. you make me happy. I just don't know what's on your mind, that's why I said we've just met, I did, obviously mention that I do like you, so, I don't know why you're mad," he explains.

"I don't know why I'm mad, maybe because I do think I'm more than a friend," I say.

"You are," he says, "you are more than a friend," he comes closer, "why do you think you're not?"

"Because.... I don't know!" I say, "Did you even see what the fans are saying? They're literally pointing out all my flaws! And that makes me feel like you think the same and -"

He cut me off with a kiss, like, an actual kiss. His lips on my lips. Like, literally. Moving along my lips. Making me moan slightly. Wow. He smells of vanilla and his lips taste of mint. Beautiful. He's so beautiful. He breaks the kiss and looks at me, "I don't think like them, I'm sure I like you,"

"I like you too," I say, "I really like you," No, dude. I love you. I'm obsessed with you. I run a fucking fan account for you.

He smiles, "good, or it'd be awkward,"

"Well, you should have guessed, why would I be so pissed at you if I didn't like you?" I ask.

"It was cute... actually, it was hot," he smirks.

"Shut up," I say, "Are you gonna tell the fans?"

"Can we take some more time to think?" he suggests, "I mean.. you know, how about we get to know each other even more and spend some time bonding, so that... you know that I really like you and I wouldn't care a damn about they say?"

I smile, "Sounds cool,"

"So.. why do you need the money?" he asks.

God, I thought he forgot about it.

"I, uh, I have to return it to my mom," I say, "like.. she's having some problems,"

"Oh," he says, "Why don't you -"

"I can't take a loan, I just can't," I say.

"How much do you need?" he asks.

"120 pounds," I say.

He shakes his head, "We'll figure out, but how about we watch a movie?"

"Yes, please," I sit on his bed, and he switches on the TV, while he comes and lays next to me, cuddling me. Now this was relaxing. Just what I needed.

Lying To Be Perfect?// Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now