smh when straight people r like "yoU CAN'T WRITE GAY FAN FICTion aBOUT STRAAIGHT PeOPlE It gIVe s THEm A BA d PUBLIcity!!!!!!!1! I DON't h8 gAY PPL B ci haVE G Ay fRIEnds!!!" and ur like wtf???,,??,, this is??,? this is my fan fiction???,?...,, this is an au???,?,? u lil fuck.,,,
smh if u want to fight about my fan fictions meet me @ 42 wallaby street, sydney at two tnirty eight. on the dot >:-(
ur the ass in sASS || rants and such
Randomthere's already like 657657 rant books lol whatever caps tw. swearing tw.