ih8 everyone

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someone i don't like: *messages me kindly, like a simple "hello" of smth*

me: yea cANY OU NOT DON,t yoU KNOW THAT U DOn t like youyoh illITERATE SWIne

like it's an actual problem,, it refrains me from making genuine human contact/socialising juST BECAUS E I justHATE EVERYONE AND I MAke assumptions thATTHEY HATE M e or that i immediately hate them

okay okay but this isn't w internet freid ds okay,, i LOVE when internet friends talk 2 me. but like it's when people i (used to) know irl it's when it's annoying (finn and lauren, u guys r a-okay) idk i just hate people

@ my american friends: this was in my drafts 4 quite a while And i actually tolerate and love a lot of you. there's just a few that make me want to commit homicide (:

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