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Stephenie El
Eldest in the friend circle
Cute, looks younger than her age
Short , stylish, short tempered and doesn't give a sh!t . Age: 18

Hailey Johnson
Middle of the group,cute,flirty,smart,
kind hearted, tries to hide her real feelings. Age: 18

Havana Johnson

Youngest, savage,acts cold but is sensitive and kind, doesn't give a shot to toxic people,cute. Age:18

Hailey, Havana are twin sisters and these 3 people are Bestfriends like these people below👇👇

Hailey, Havana are twin sisters and these 3 people are Bestfriends like these people below👇👇

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They all have been friends since childhood and were together in thick and thin . Their favourite Boy Band is BTS. They have been their fans since 2015.

(BTS are really young like all of them are Gen Z idols )

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