Chapter Four

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We walk to a small food stand within the busy food-court like area, as we're getting closer I can smell the different dishes and cuisines. I haven't had food that actually tastes like something in a long while, Lydia isn't a cook, and mostly just gets fast food. I sometimes got other stuff with my own money. If she did have money for other things though, she hardly would let me have some. When I was smaller David would often get me food when he had a little more cash, always told me not to let Lydia know, so I kept quiet.

We sit down on a small metal table, the chairs and table are unstable and wobbly. I haven't eaten since lunch, I'm only just noticing how hungry I am. Willow walks off to order at the counter leaving Kasper and I alone for a few minutes. We look at each other, probably both thinking what the hell we're doing here but not wanting to leave.

Finally, I break the silence. "Well, that was quite the adventure." I say kind of sarcastically.

"You can say that." Kasper says.

It'shard to read his emotions. On one hand, just now it seemed like he was thrilled to be here, having discovered this whole new place, though now he sort of shifts around on his chair and restlessly plays with his hands.

"You alright?" I ask.

"Yeah... I just." He pauses. "I don't want my mom to get worried."

Of course he doesn't. I mean it's not the first time we're out this late though every time his mum tries to make a big deal out of it. Obviously to keep Kasper safe. At first Kasper didn't really understand why she was worried, and why she made those rules. And he would break them all the time. We'd stay out together for hours, but eventually he realized she just cared about him. I hated his mum for it at first, seeing Lydia's indifference about the time I came home as a flex. I soon came to realize that it was really just her being neglectful. I used to get mad at him for listening to his mum so much, I sometimes still do, but every time I do I say sorry, because I know how nice it must feel for him to finally have someone to care about you like that. And honestly, I don't want my jealousy to get in the way. I do genuinely grant him that security, but the jealousy itches me every time nonetheless.

Willow comes back with three plates of noodles with dumplings. It smells really good. Kasper's face lights up, an excited smile appearing.

"Dinner is served." she says in an exaggerated manner .

I can tell she's trying to imitate my accent, though she's miles off. I chuckle and take the plate from her hands.

"Thanks." Kasper and I say almost simultaneously.

She gives us both wooden chopsticks and sits down, she breaks the chopsticks apart and starts scooping up the noodles like its no big deal. Meanwhile Kasper and I sit in silence either starting at her or looking down at our chopsticks confused. Willow looks up and raises an eyebrow.

"You guys do know how to use chopsticks, right?" she asks.

We don't say anything.

She laughs and puts hers down.

"Okay, let me show you."

She leans over and takes my chopsticks, breaks them apart, Kasper does the same to his. Then she holds them in her hand in a way that just confuses me even more. I see Kasper across from me looking confused and trying to copy her, but failing inevitably.

"Rest the bottom stick on your ring finger and ur pinkie under it," she says, "then place your middle finger on top of the bottom stick, and rest the top stick on your middle finger and hold it with your thumb and pointing finger.

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