Chapter Thirty-one

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Once again, we're standing around a table. Well, almost all of us. I'm sitting on the other side of the room with my arms crossed looking at them discussing. They've gone over it multiple times now.

"We have to limit the amount of people who know about our plan, so it has to be one of us."

"What about the guys that are on their way here right now?"

"They're only with 3, and all of them are needed on the outside to do the hacking part, It can't be me because I'm the only one of us who knows how to work the control panel" I hear Benji say for the millionth time.

The only one left. I think.

"It can't be Willow or Fynn due to the risk of them having an episode while inside." Benji continues. "Neither can it be Jerome as he's been on their wanted list for years same for Luca. It has to be Kasper."

I quickly stand up and walk to the table. As soon as I do I slam my fists on the table.

"You guys are insane! Who knows what they'll do to him! They could literally kill him! We have to think of something else!" I shout.

Benji turns to me.

"There is no other plan! Can't you see? We're running out of time and this is our only option. Plus if Kasper makes it in at least he has a good excuse since the president is his father, chances are they'll let him in more easily."

I can feel my face getting red.

"Which is exactly why he shouldn't go in. Luca got him out of there because it was so dangerous, the guy is crazy!" I yell.

Right when I stop Kasper grabs me by both shoulders and looks me in the eyes.

"I know you're worried about me, but I can take care of myself. I promise I know what I'm doing. And I promise I'll stay safe. If I don't do this so many people will die, including you." He says.

I hate the way he makes sense, I hate the way I always listen to him, I hate that he's so brave. Probably braver than me. And I hate that I can't protect him. No matter what I do.

I look down. Suddenly I feel embarrassed. He's right.

"I just can't lose you." I whisper.

He pulls me in and hugs me tightly. His arms wrap around me, I feel his warmth. The warmth that I need so much. I slowly hug him back, slightly pulling on his shirt.

I love you. I want to say. I want to say that so bad. But I can't. Not like this. I don't even know if I do or in what way, everything is so confusing right now. But I do, I love him.

We hear a knock on the door which suddenly pulls us out of our bubble and back to reality. Everyone walks to the door, including Kasper. Leaving me alone. I feel dizzy. But after a second I go that way as well.

The other gang's leader is standing right outside, I look through the doorway and see two black vans standing outside. Jerome and the leader are already shaking hands, he is wearing a long black jacket, those really fancy work shoes and sunglasses and his hair is pulled back neatly.

"There's no time to waste." he says. "Follow me please."

One thing's for sure, they look hell of a lot more legit than us.

Benji turns around and runs to the living room to grab his things, everyone except Jerome follow, I'm trying really hard to keep up with them, but my mind feels foggy. I grab my bag without even checking if I have everything.

As we all get ready, I help Benji carry some stuff into the van, it's night now, with only the dim and broken street lights helping. Benji was right, they're only with 3. All dressed basically the same as the first guy. They order us to sit down as quickly as possible. I insisted on being in the same van as Kasper. The van is the cleanest thing I've ever seen. The seats actually feel comfortable compared to the ones in the other van. The windows are blacked out from the outside, which for us comes in really handy.

It is silent in the van, I can't seem to concentrate on anything. Everything is going so fast, it feels like only minutes ago we were still in the lab and now were on this suicide mission that can only go wrong. Within minutes we're racing through the streets on our way to the main government building, where President Wyler is right now, where Kasper will break in soon.  

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