Chapter Thirty-three

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As we sneak our way to the bridge neither of us speak. I asked what the plan was, all Kasper said was to get there unnoticed and then shoot him. It's not a great plan. Actually, it's a really bad plan. But I can't think of anything better. We really tried to be stealthy, but the moment we reached the bridge the President had already noticed our presence.

"Welcome home, son." he says.

I've never seen the president in real life before. He looks sick. His face is pale, half bald, his posture terrible like an old man, and his voice sounds like his throat is a literal desert.

Both Kasper and I are pointing our guns at him, neither dare to shoot.

"I'm not your son. Now tell me, what are you planning to do? Where is the cure?" Kasper says, his voice shaking.

Wyler starts laughing, a little at first, but then he bursts out in laughter like he is some Disney villain.

He's actually insane. I think.

He's not like the hexed though, maybe he's worked with the serum so much, he actually went insane. But the way he talks doesn't even make any sense.

"Look at what you've done my boy. Are you proud?" he starts. "This country is falling apart, isn't it wonderful?"

He just stares out to the chaos. As if he's built paradise.

"He can't be serious." I mumble.

"I think he's quite serious." Kasper replies.

Wyler turns to us. "Everything is how it is supposed to be. And now that you're here, I've got it all. Everything in the whole world. Is mine."

The more I look at him the more disgusted I get. I hate to say it but I keep noticing how him and Kasper look alike. I hate it. We keep aiming out guns at him though it doesn't seem to affect him in the slightest.

Behind him a girl appears out of the shadows. She stops next to Wyler. I don't think he notices she's there. She has shoulder length wavy hair with pink streaks in it. She is wearing a black jumpsuit and she has a gun in her hand.

Wyler is about to start talking again but as soon as he opens his mouth the girl points her gun at him.

"That's enough." she says and shoots him in his skull.

He falls dead on the floor. I can't believe what I'm seeing. My body is frozen. We just stand there, staring at the dead body, that only seconds ago was talking frantically, so sure of his victory. My eyes move to the girl, who now that I'm thinking about it looks only a bit older than us. Maybe only by a year or two.

The girl steps forward, Kasper does too, but I feel like it's more to protect me.

"It's nice to see you again." she says grinning.

"I have no idea who you are!" Kasper almost yells, pointing his gun at her.

"You don't remember your own sister?" She says still smiling, it's not a nice smile. "Don't fret, we'll have plenty of time to catch up."

Her voice echoes in my head. Did she say sister? But if she's Kasper's sister then didn't she just shoot her own father? My headache is getting worse by the second.

"Why did you do that?" Kasper demands. "Why did you kill him!"

She giggles, and waits a moment.

"I wasn't supposed to? Wasn't that what you came here to do?" she says, her words drained in sarcasm.

Then she raises her gun to us again. I know I need to stay focused, but everything feels like a blur, my attention drifts to the large windows. The people have broken their way into the walls. Setting fire to almost everything around them.

"What about you Fynn?" The girl says.

I quickly look at her. Her gun aimed right at my face, she looks a lot more threatening now.

"Where are my manners, name's Harmony." she continues. "You don't look so good." she starts walking forward. "Second episode I assume?"

"Shut up." I say.

She's forcing my attention to the things I'm trying to ignore. The voices, the abstract visions. I can't trust myself.

"What do you see?" she says, her last words fading away into the chaos in my mind. Visions of Kasper, walking away, leaving me. Of myself, killing him. Hurting him. I want to scream but I'm stuck, stuck in my mind.

"Don't listen to her. She's just messing with you. You have to keep fighting it." Kasper says, he's trying to be strong, I can hear it in his voice. He's scared.

He turns back to her.

"How did you-" he starts but Harmony cuts him off.

I have to know what she has to say. I think to myself. I close my eyes, and listen carefully.

"I know everything. From the moment the police brought you in to the moment Fynn snuck in the back of the car."

Shoot her shoot her shoot her.

"I knew that he would want to help and I knew that you'd follow him, I knew you'd find the lab and our 'guard' that stayed there did exactly what I told him to."

Everything we did was because of her, she's planned everything.

"I knew they'd send you inside and I knew Fynn would follow you. And of course, losing one of your own was just a happy bonus."

The rage inside me feels uncontrollable, flashing images of her dead, shot, killed, fill my mind.

"And I know that you'll never escape from here." she says

The last drop.

Or at least it would've been. Because at that exact moment the noise of a gigantic crane crashing into the bridge changes everything. Bringing me back to reality. My eyes snap open. The windows shatter right between the girl and us. Kasper grabs my hand to pull my backwards. The crane forces its way into the room, blocking her from us. She's may be out of my sight, but I can still hear her yelling.

"Don't let them escape!"

The floor beneath us starts to shake and crack, crumbling in front of us. This is when we start running. Kasper still holding my hand tightly. I try to keep up, but my body feels lost of energy, I can hardly stand up straight.

The lights in the building flicker, I smell smoke all around me and the distant sounds of yelling and chanting make it even harder to focus.

We get back to the building of empty halls. I can feel my legs giving up and I stumble to a wall and basically fall on the floor. Everything hurts, my heart is beating a thousand miles per hour and the burning pain in my neck is starting to return.

Kasper kneels in front of me. But doesn't say anything. Even if he does, I can't hear him. Because all I can hear are the voices in my mind screaming at me to kill him.

I close my eyes, everything is happening at once in my head and I have to make it stop. I have to I have to I have to.

Kasper puts his hand on my shoulder. He shouldn't have done that. I wish he didn't do that. I've lost control over myself.  

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