Chapter 8

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Ivy woke up and realised she was in a bedroom. Last I checked I did not fall asleep in the bedroom, she thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock. Draco entered the room with a glass of water in his hands.

"Hey," she said confused. He gave her a nod as he handed her the glass of water. She thanked him as she took it from his hand and gulped it in one go.

"Um, everyone is just uh, waking up and we should all um, probably head down for dinner, so, uh-" Draco said as he scratched the back of his neck yet again.

"Oh, okay, I'll be down in a minute" she replied as she smiled warmly and he left.

Ivy walked into the bathroom and freshened up. She waved her wand and detangled her hair as she was too tired to comb it again. She quickly walked downstairs and met with everyone who was sobering up.


Since they were a little short on space, Daphne was sitting on Theo's lap and Ophelia was sitting on Imran's. Pansy was sitting on the couch and Archie was next to her. Ivy noticed they were talking and smiled inwardly.

Blaise and Jade were sitting cross-legged on the floor and Draco was sitting on the couch as well. Ivy did not want to cramp up the people sitting on the couch so she sat on the armrest next to Draco and put her hand behind his seat for support.

Everyone was busy in their conversations so nobody seemed to notice except the blonde- who was trying to stay calm.

They all told what they did while being drunk. And just in three days, Imran and Blaise- who had never even looked at each other before- were now best friends. While talking about the experience, both Ivy and Draco couldn't help but think back to the moment.

Not long after this, they decided to head down for dinner. Theo, Daphne, Imran and Ophelia seemed to have gotten pretty close in just a couple of hours. Nobody seemed to mind, as they knew the couples would go out on double-dates and do couple things. Ivy was happy because everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.


They reached the Great Hall and decided to sit on their respective houses' tables. As Ivy walked towards her table with Ophelia and Imran, everyone was murmuring looking at her.

She completely forgot about the events that had taken place before, in the last two days. As soon as everyone got used to the law, everyone resumed gossip. Ivy shook it off and her bright smile stayed put.

However, Ophelia, Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Jade began to scowl at whoever dared to look, let alone speak about Ivy. Soon the whispers died down.

Ivy, Ophelia and Imran had dinner like they used to, just the three of them and Ivy did enjoy the company of just her oldest friends.

Occasionally, she would peek at the Slytherin table to see what Draco was doing. Sometimes she would find him laughing at something, sometimes she found him saying something and once when she looked over, he was looking at her already. She instantly looked away and did not dare look in that direction again.

Later, the students were given their schedules and they noticed they had 'life classes' every Thursday.

After they were done with dinner, Ivy waited for Draco to finish his meal so the two of them could walk together. He got up and so did she.

"Hi, um, I have to take care of something, so I'll be back later," Draco said and left and Blaise followed quickly.

Ivy chose to disregard what just happened and ran up to their living quarters.


There she saw the two couples and borrowed Ophelia for a moment. "What's up? Why are you out of breath?" Ophelia questioned looking at a breathless Ivy.

"I- uh- ran" Ivy replied between breaths.

She finally caught her breath and asked Ophelia, "okay, so remember, how I fell asleep here after we got back?" Ophelia nodded and Ivy continued, "how did I end up in the bed of Draco and my room?"

 "Malfoy carried you," Ophelia said as if stating the obvious and then seeing the surprised expression on Ivy's face asked, "he didn't tell you?"

"I never asked" Ivy replied. "Anyhow, I am pretty tired and I have to get ready for tomorrow's classes also so I think I'll go to bed now. Good night," Ivy said before going to her and Draco's room.

As decided, it was Ivy's turn to sleep on the couch. She changed into her pyjamas, brushed her teeth, combed her hair, took off her makeup and fell asleep.


Draco came to the room long after Ivy had fallen asleep. Merlin, she looks good when she's asleep. Draco thought. 

Knock it off Malfoy! Just go to bed. Draco reminded himself. He too changed and went to bed.

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