Chapter 19- Part 1

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The day had finally arrived. The day when Draco was going to meet the Rose family. Both Ivy and Draco got up earlier than usual, took showers, went to the Great Hall to have breakfast and then came back and started packing their bags.

They were supposed to go to the Rose Mansion in the evening. Ivy was going to stay for the weekend, whereas Draco was going to come back to Hogwarts after dinner.

Draco spent all day asking Ivy questions about her family and she answered all of them. She advised him on topics to avoid, and topics to discuss and Draco listened carefully, taking mental notes of everything she said.


Soon, the sunset and it was time for Draco and Ivy to leave.

Ivy had chosen Draco's outfit since he insisted to look how she wanted him to look.

"Are you sure this is appropriate?" Draco asked in a disgusted tone as he looked at his clothes with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, just trust me, okay? My grandmother appreciates when people do not look down upon muggles. This is what muggle men, your age are wearing nowadays."

"How do you know what muggle men are wearing?"

"Luke keeps up with muggle fashion and he dresses up similarly, so you earn brownie points from my grandmother and brother, so just wear it. And besides, you look good in them."

Draco stopped judging the clothes and gave a proud smirk. "You look pretty good too, Rose"

"Why, thank you." Ivy was wearing a V-neck, light pink coloured dress with a lace-up at the waist. She paired it with white sneakers and had curled her hair and let it fall off her shoulders.

They both walked out of Hogwarts and came to the place they apparated to and from the Malfoy Manor. They held hands and Draco apparated them to Ivy's house.


"You ready?" Ivy inhaled as they reached the porch of her house. Draco just nodded and took a sharp breath. Ivy knocked on the large door of the mansion.

The Rose Mansion was not as gigantic as the Malfoy Manor, but it was quite grand as well. It was surrounded by a large garden full of perfectly shaped trees and multicoloured flowers. There were yellow LED lights placed all around the garden so the trees and flowers were visible even after sunset.

The whole mansion was full of light. Unlike the Malfoy Manor, it was brightly lit and had lights everywhere. However, the lights were not harsh but were warm and welcoming.

The door was opened by a tiny house-elf who greeted both Ivy and Draco. Ivy quickly entered the house and bent down to hug the tiny elf. "Oh, Sunny, how I've missed you."

"Sunny missed Miss Rose, as well. Sunny call masters now"

"No need, I got that." After saying that, Ivy's loud voice echoed across the walls of the large hallway. "Mum! Dad! I'm home!"

The hallway was vast. A velvet carpet was placed on the marble tiles. The walls were not very tall but weren't short either. There was a beautiful chandelier hanging above the middle of the hallway. Paintings were hanging on the wall, which was covered with elegant wallpaper.

Draco gave Ivy a concerned look after he heard Ivy scream on top of her voice.

"It's a tradition" Ivy informed Draco.

"Weird traditions you've got, Rose"

"When I came back for Christmas from my first year at Hogwarts, I screamed these exact words. My grandmother hates it and that is why I do this every single time I come home from Hogwarts." Ivy explained.

As she was done explaining, they heard a set of footsteps coming their way. Draco took a sharp breath and braced himself to meet Ivy's parents.

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