Chapter 23- Part 4

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"There is absolutely no way I am dancing, Malfoy" Ivy warned.

"Will you relax, Rose? We are going back to the drawing-room and drink with the lot."

Ivy exhaled a sigh of relief and walked with Draco to the drawing-room after going to the bar and snatching four bottles of firewhiskey.

As they entered the drawing-room, they saw their friends sitting around the fireplace, some on the floor, some on each other's lap, some on the couch, but everyone was slightly drunk.

Everyone cheered as they saw Draco and Ivy with bottles in their hands. Ivy and Draco joined the rest near the fireplace and passed the bottles one by one around the circle.

Ivy sat next to Jade on the couch with Draco and Blaise sitting on the floor beside the girls' feet. Draco rested the side of his head on Ivy's leg.

Marcus, Luke, Graham and Adrian sat opposite Jade, Ivy, Draco and Blaise. Theo sat on a chair with Daphne on his lap and Archie and Pansy were off trying to find an empty room to snog. Everyone was chatting over firewhiskey.

"I want all the details, young lady" Jade whispered to Ivy which made Ivy blush, since Jade was talking about the kiss Ivy and Draco shared a few moments ago.


A few hours later, the group was lounging on the roof after dinner. Marcus, Graham, Adrian and Luke were chatting with some girls in the ballroom, so, it was only the group on the roof.

Draco was telling Ivy about the constellations as they stood resting on the fence of the roof. Jade was sitting with her head on Blaise's shoulder and both of their eyes were shut. Archie was resting his head in Pansy's lap and Theo and Daphne were snuggling and talking about books.

"That is Draco, right?" Ivy asked pointing to a constellation in the sky. Draco nodded his head proudly.

As he was about to say something, someone cleared their throat. Ivy and Draco turned behind to see who it was. Theo Nott. Ivy and Draco exchanged a confused look. Theo soon earned everyone's attention.

"Well, now that I have everyone's attention, I have an announcement to make." Theo started. He stood up and turned to face Daphne with a mixture of a worried and questioning look.

"I just thought this was a good time to do this since this room is full of people we love and it is a perfect moment. You know, under the stars and with such a peaceful atmosphere. Daphne Greengrass, you are the perfect person I have ever known." Theo continued.

Listening to Theo's previous statement, Blaise cleared his throat and earned the room's attention. He pointed to himself and everyone scoffed. Jade elbowed him in his stomach which made him groan and later, stop talking.

"Right, Daphne Greengrass, you are the perfect person I have ever known, after Blaise Zabini." Theo corrected himself. Everyone shook their heads and a soft laugh escaped their lips. Blaise gave Theo a thumbs up with a satisfied expression on his face.

Theo cleared his throat and resumed. "As I was saying, you are the best thing to happen to me and I love you. A few months back, when I told you I loved you, you asked me why I loved you. Well, I love you because you take care of me. I love you because you made me smile, at a time when I had forgotten how to. I love you because you give me a reason to get out of bed, every single day."

"And most of all, I love you because you make me want to be a better person. A person who deserves someone as perfect as you. Daph, you wanna do this for the rest of our lives and marry me?"

Theo got on one knee and pulled a small, velvet box out of the pocket of his jacket. Daphne, who had tears filling up her eyes, gasped as he opened the box to reveal the perfect little ring.

The girls' hands flew to their mouths to cover their mouths. The boys' looked like they were taking mental notes on how to propose to the girls.

Tears of joy fell from Daphne's eyes as she exclaimed a loud yes. Theo's face beamed with joy as he put the ring on Daphne's finger. He immediately got up and kissed the air out of Daphne's lungs.

The group cheered loudly. The roof was full of claps, loud cheers and congratulations for the happy couple. Tears of joy were filled in some people's eyes. Everyone shared a big group hug after the wishes.

"This calls for champagne, doesn't it?" Archie shrieked and everyone cheered in agreement.

Draco summoned a house-elf and asked him to fetch a bottle of champagne and some glasses. The house-elf nodded and hurried to follow his master's order.

"Kind of cliché to propose on Christmas eve, don't you think Blaise?" Draco grinned, earning a death glare from Ivy.

"Yeah, I agree, Malfoy" Blaise smirked, earning a slap on his shoulder from Jade.

"Oh, stop it you two. You are just jealous that his proposal was so romantic and made all of us cry. You lot are just unhappy because Theo has set the bar too high." Pansy smirked. There were some protests from Blaise and Draco, but everyone knew it was true.


Soon, it was time to leave. Everyone congratulated Theo and Daphne on the announcement about their engagement.

Mrs Greengrass seemed to be extremely proud and smirked at Narcissa and Cecelia. They gave her a fake smile and started marching towards Ivy and Draco.

They had a concerned look on their faces as they reached Ivy and Draco who were in the corner. Looking at their mothers' expressions, Ivy and Draco questioned, "what happened?" in sync.

"Did the two of you know about this?" Cecelia asked in a demanding tone.

"Know about what?" Ivy retorted after sharing a look with Draco.

"This, this engagement, this proposal. Did you know about this?" Narcissa answered in a similar tone.

"What? No" Draco scoffed.

"Merlin, Nora Greengrass is going to hold this over our heads for the rest of our lives," Cecelia said rubbing her temples and Narcissa scoffed in agreement.

"Okay, mum, what is happening? You are worrying me" Ivy said and then took her mother's hands in hers.

"We may have boasted about the two of you, a bit too much. And we may have gotten too competitive with Nora, and said Draco would propose before the Nott boy" Narcissa answered for Cecelia.

Ivy shook her head in disappointment and Draco scoffed. "Merlin you two. This is why you pulled us away from the room where everyone is celebrating our best friends' engagement?"

Narcissa and Cecelia exchanged a guilty look and muttered a weak yes. They realised how impolite that was.

Draco scoffed and then shook his head in disapproval and took Ivy's hand and led her out of the room and towards the ballroom.

"I cannot believe those two. As much as glad I am our mothers are getting along, I am absolutely against this pair" Ivy stated as she was being led by Draco. Draco nodded his head in agreement.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Malfoy, the ballroom's that way. Did you forget where the rooms are in your own home?" Ivy said as she realised, they were walking towards an unfamiliar hallway.

"Yeah, we passed that hallway a long time, Rose. Keep up" Draco smirked


Hey! Sorry for the long chapter, I had to squish in the proposal so it's a bit lengthy

Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. Lemme know if you are

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Love you <3

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