Chapter 13

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The next morning, Ivy woke up to find no one on the couch. She decided not to make a big deal of it and went to take a shower. She got changed and left the bedroom and saw Draco sitting on the couch, with his head down. She walked up to him and saw a letter in his hands. Draco turned his head and handed her the letter which read,


Your father is going to be released from Azkaban today. I want you to come home for the weekend so you could meet him. I heard about the law. I insist you bring your partner as well. We could meet her and she could meet us.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow my darling.

Narcissa Malfoy.

Ivy could not believe what she had just read. Meeting Malfoy's parents when I don't even know him properly? And so soon? She sat on the couch next to Draco with her eyes widened and mind full of thoughts. Her chest started pounding at the thought of being in Lucius Malfoy's presence.

Draco cleared his throat, which shook Ivy from her thoughts and made her look at him. "You don't have to come if you don't want to. I could always just tell them you are sick or something" Draco said to the stunned Ivy.

"No. I would love to come. I just- it's just-"

"It's too much? It's too soon? Believe me, I know"

They sat in silence for the next few minutes.

"It is an extremely polite invitation and I wish to make a good impression on your parents, so I think I should come. But I won't if it would be uncomfortable for you" Ivy stated as she bit her lip. "I don't mind as long as you don't" Draco replied as he fidgeted with his rings.

"Okay, so, I guess we are going to the Malfoy Manor tomorrow"

"I guess so"

And with that, they got up and left the room to go for breakfast. They met with Pansy and Archie as they reached the common room. Archie saw the worried look on Ivy's face and pulled her aside and asked if everything was okay. Ivy plastered a fake smile and nodded but Archie knew she was lying. They continued walking to the Great Hall.

After breakfast, all of them went their separate ways for classes.


Ivy, Ophelia, Imran, Jade, Pansy and Theo had a free period and so decided to go to the library.

Before they could try to find a table, Pansy hissed at a group of third years, which made them run away and scored the group an empty table. All of them sat down after they got the books they wanted and started reading, studying or taking notes.

Ophelia could sense something was wrong with Ivy but couldn't figure out what. She tried to read Ivy's expressions, body language and tried to look for signs but failed to figure out what was wrong with her best friend. And so, she decided to ask Ivy herself.

"Hey Vee, can we go to the Black Lake? I am in desperate need of fresh air" Ophelia whispered to Ivy, who agreed. They walked out in complete silence which was odd for the pair.

Once they reached their destination, Ophelia did not hesitate to ask Ivy her question. "Okay Vee, what's wrong and don't say nothing because I can tell something is bothering you"

"You promise not to tell a soul? Not even Imran?" Ivy questioned with a worried expression on her face. Ophelia promised and Ivy revealed about the letter and the events that occurred after to her.

"Wow. So, you have a lot to be worried about. Which part are you most worried about?"

"The part where I meet the people who are going to be my in-laws in less than a year. And not to mention, those people are said to be the most intimidating and powerful people in the entire wizarding world. Oh, and also, they hate anyone who isn't a pureblood, which I am not!" Ivy whisper shouted.

"Right, that was a stupid question. Sorry"

Looking at the small face Ophelia made Ivy immediately felt bad about what she said and apologised. After a while, Ivy calmed down, thanks to the water in the Black Lake and the gentle breeze, that blew both Ivy and Ophelia's hair.

"So, what do I do? What should I wear? What should I say? How should I say it? How should I look? What do people expect in the girl that their son has to marry?" Ivy questioned and looked towards Ophelia.

"Don't overthink or you will worry yourself sick. And since they are Malfoy's parents, maybe you should ask him these questions. Poor boy must be quite worried himself. Maybe you should talk to him, ask him how he feels about all this." Ophelia answered.

Ivy gasped at the realisation. "Of course, I never asked him how he feels. I feel like a fool." She lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Heh, we should probably get going. We have to get ready as well, don't we?" Ophelia chuckled as she got up and lent Ivy a hand to get up. "Get ready? Get ready for what?" Ivy quizzed as she took Ophelia's hand and got up.

"The party in our living quarters that starts in some time" Ophelia reminded Ivy as they started walking back towards Hogwarts.

"Merlin, I completely forgot about that. Do we have to go? We could just sit in one of our rooms and sleep or read or just talk. We never talk anymore, Phil"

"Oh Ivy, do not start with that nickname again. I beg you."

"Why not? I like it. It suits you"

They continued to bicker as they walked up to their room. They decided to get ready together in Ophelia and Imran's room and then resumed to bicker.

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