Chapter 27

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"Wow, Jade, this is very mature" Ivy rolled her eyes.

"You two need to talk and we are not opening this door until you do" Blaise's muffled voice came through the door.

Ivy let out a breath and crossed her hands in front of her chest. She walked over to the parapet and sat down with her legs crossed, gazing at the sunset in front of her. She closed her eyes as she sat up straight, and they flew through her hair.

"Where have you been staying?" A voice made Ivy open her eyes and turn behind. She saw Draco standing at the same spot he had been standing before.

She answered him and even though he had an expression filled with disagreement and confusion, he nodded his head. Silence filled the air again.

Ivy remembered what Jade had said earlier, in the library, and decided to make an effort to talk to Draco. She cleared her throat, making Draco look at her.

She tapped next to her, indicating Draco to sit down next to her. He looked hesitant to sit down, but he did.

Ivy turned to face Draco and started, "Malfoy, I am very sorry about everything that happened that day. I was just very confused and angry and surprised and I did not know how to deal with a situation like that, and all of those emotions just- I took them out on you."

"And I am not trying to give any excuses about my behaviour, I am just explaining my side of the story. I apologise for everything I said and did that day" she finished.

"It's fine. I am sorry, too" Draco replied calmly.

"You have nothing to be sorry about" Ivy answered as she turned to look at the sky again. A comfortable silence fell between the two.

A few moments later, Draco cleared his throat and Ivy turned to look at him. He started, "I need to tell you something"


"Could you just- it would be easier for both of us if you didn't look at me" Draco scratched the back of his neck nervously. Ivy chuckled at this statement and turned to look at the sky again.

Draco cleared his throat once again and began speaking. "This past week has been terrible. Not being able to be near you was awful. Not being able to see you, first thing in the morning or going to the Black Lake with you, has been awful. You not being there when we hung out after classes, was awful."

"Your absence, next to me, whether on the armrest of my seat or at the table during our meals, has been awful. Knowing you weren't in my arms when I slept was awful."

"So, what I am trying to say is, I like you Ivy Rose and the thought of your exclusion from my life is," Draco said after clearing his throat.

"Awful?" Ivy interrupted with a grin on her face as she looked up at the sky.

"I was going to say a nightmare" an offended Draco corrected to which Ivy smiled.

Without turning to look at Draco, Ivy carefully got off the parapet and Draco followed. The moment Draco's feet touched the hardwood floor, Ivy pulled his collar and crashed her lips into his.

Draco's eyes were wide open in surprise, but he closed them in pleasure as he familiarised himself with what was happening. Draco slowly placed his hands around Ivy's waist and pulled her closer. Ivy moved one of her hands and placed her palm on Draco's cheek, with the other behind his neck.

The kiss was slow, affectionate, intimate and grew passionate as the moments passed by. Their tongues met as their lips moved in sync.

Unwillingly, they pulled away, to take a breath. They stood on the Astronomy Tower, silently, with a pleasant sunset surrounding them and a cool breeze blowing through their hair.

Ivy was about to talk, but before she could, she heard muffled noises. The look on Draco's face indicating he could hear them too. The noises were coming through the door.

Ivy and Draco raised their wands and blew the door into tiny pieces. They ran out to see their friends looking at them.

"You just blew the door of the Astronomy Tower" Blaise laughed and everyone except Ivy and Draco joined him.

"We heard noises and considering this is Hogwarts, we did not think they were happy noises. What are you guys celebrating?" Ivy pouted.

"This. The both of you" Pansy shrieked and pulled Ivy in a hug. "This needs to be celebrated. Let's get some booze"

Everyone cheered and started walking towards their room. Blaise put his arm around Draco's shoulder and Jade wrapped her arms around Ivy's hand.

"Never thought I would say this in this lifetime, but Draco Malfoy has a girlfriend" Blaise snickered. Girlfriend. Draco hummed and sneaked a glance at Ivy, walking behind him with Jade.

"When did you plan this? How did you plan this?" Ivy thought out loud.

"When we were at the quidditch pitch. I told Blaise it was high time the two of you talked and we decided to plan this. Theo told the rest of the group" Jade answered.

"But we were both next to you at the quidditch pitch" Ivy pointed out.

"I know, but you were more focused on stealing glances at each other. We knew you were not listening to a word we were saying" Jade smirked.

"Okay, but how did you know everything worked out?"

Jade cleared her throat, awkwardly and Blaise stifled a giggle. Draco elbowed Blaise, which made him show extendable ears. Draco and Ivy groaned at the fact that everyone heard their conversation and the kiss they shared.

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