Chapter 17

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A few weeks had gone by since Ivy and Draco had been to the Malfoy Manor.

By now, couples had started dating and had gotten comfortable with each other. Everyone had gotten closer with their roommates and things were starting to get better.

Theo and Daphne were planning on meeting each other's parents. Imran and Ophelia spent more time with Theo and Daphne and all four of them were closer to each other than the rest of the group.

Jade and Blaise had also started dating. Ivy loved that couple. It was so obvious why they were paired together. Their likes and dislikes were extremely similar and their personalities matched so much.

Pansy and Archie had also gotten very close and were planning to begin dating officially as well.

As for Draco and Ivy, they had also gotten close, but not as much as the rest of the group. They were still not comfortable with intimate moments or talking about their feelings. They had, however, started talking about the rest of the things like their families and their problems.

At the end of the day, Draco would rant to Ivy about everything that happened that particular day and Ivy would patiently listen. They had also gotten comfortable enough to compliment each other.

The six- Ivy, Draco, Pansy, Archie, Jade and Blaise- of them were getting very close to each other as well. They would go to Hogsmede together or would accompany each other wherever, they would threaten people who dared to bad mouth anyone of their group.

They were the most feared, the most powerful and the prettiest group in Hogwarts.


"My parents are extremely annoyed by this law, but at least they didn't break up the couples, otherwise my father would reign hell-fire upon the ministry," Daphne said as she was telling the group about what was written in the letter she received from her parents.

"Why would they have broken up the couples? The couples would be the first to get married and have babies anyway." Archie said as he gulped down his pumpkin juice and everyone hummed in agreement.

"I heard Potter is planning on proposing Weaslette," Pansy said changing the topic and all the Slytherins groaned as they heard Potter's name. Ivy elbowed Pansy lightly, "I know none of you like them but at least don't call them names"

"Ugh, fine. Potter is planning on proposing female Weasley. There, better?" Pansy rolled her eyes.

Ivy hummed in agreement and the Slytherins groaned once again at the mention of Potter's name. "Could we please not talk about saint Potter this early in the morning. I do not wish to throw up" Draco said taking a bite from his apple, earning a laugh from everyone except Ivy who shook her head and sighed.

After breakfast, all of them proceeded to class for their charms lesson.


Later that day, the group met at the Black Lake to relax. Ivy and Jade were sitting on the edge of the lake with their feet in the water. Draco was on the other side of Ivy sitting cross-legged and Blaise was on the other side of Jade, with his head in her lap.

Ophelia and Imran were sitting under a large tree with their eyes closed. Theo and Daphne were sitting opposite them. Daphne was resting her head on Theo's shoulder, who was looking at Archie and Pansy skipping rocks in the water.

Everyone was at peace, enjoying each other's company with the wind in their hair and the evening sun touching their faces.

"The water feels nice, why aren't you putting your legs in?" Ivy asked Draco, who replied, "I don't like it, and I don't want to get my suit wet." Ivy laughed at his reply and went back to looking at the sky.

"Why are you putting your legs in?" Draco asked in a disgusted voice.

"It feels nice. The water is a perfect temperature, not too cold, not too hot"

"There is no such thing as 'too cold'. Chilly weather is perfect." Draco retorted.

"Well, I am guessing you like winter?" Ivy laughed at Draco's statement.

"What's not to like? Everything is nice and cold. Just take a blanket and sit around the fireplace with a nice cup of hot tea. And not to mention, snow makes everything ten times more beautiful."

Ivy thought about his response and smiled.

"Amused, Rose?"

"No. It's just, I've never heard you talk like that. About anything"

"Don't get used to it"

Ivy giggled at his response and turned to look at the sky. A few moments later, they heard the bell ring. They groaned and got up and walked back to the castle.


After dinner, everyone was very tired and decided to go to their rooms. When Ivy and Draco entered theirs, they heard a tapping sound on the window. Ivy walked over and saw her family owl, Earl with a letter.

She opened the window, gave Earl a snack and then opened the letter.

"Is everything okay?" Draco asked Ivy looking at her bright expression turn into a blank expression.

"Yep, the letter is from my grandmother. My family wants to meet you as soon as possible."

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