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Note:  18+ 🔞 adult contents ❌ not for readers under the age of 18


••••••••••••••UNKNOWN POV•••••••••••••••

It was when Temi decided it was about time she took her sleep. Shutting off her battery Torchlight, she  left the reading table and made to climb her bed when a sound knock sounded on her door.

Temi frowned, wondering who could be bothering her at this unholy hour. Her roommate was sound asleep but that didn't mean she wouldn't wake up if the knocking continues.

And the knocking came again a little harder this time.

Switching on her Torchlight, Temi marched towards her door. Taking a peep through the door keyhole, she saw who it was.

" Collette?" She gasped. " What is she doing here?"

And she quickly unlocked the door and threw it opened.

Collette stood apologgic before Temi. " Sorry for disturbing you, Temi. Did I wake you up?"

Temi shooked her head. " Not at all. Was about hitting the sack when you knocked."

Collette glanced over at Temi's roommate. " Is she awake?"

" She's sound asleep."

" Good," Collette held Temi's shoulder. " Could you spare me a few minutes of your time?"

Temi raised an eyebrow. " A few minutes of my time? What's this about?"

Collette moistured her dry lips. " It's about Lucy."

Temi stared at her for a long time. She didn't say a thing.

Minutes later, the two girls were leaning over the barrister rails on the flat roof of the hostel.

It was a beautiful night with the full moon shining brightly in accordance with the cool breeze that blew towards the two girls.

" So she's a virgin," Temi smirked after listening to Collette's story. " Didn't you tell her how you lost yours?"

Collette shooked her head. " No I didn't."

" Why?"

Collette touched her nose and made a grimace. " I have my reasons, Temi. There's no need reminding me of that painful day. You're the only one who knows no one else should."

Temi looked away, a stiff smile hitting her cheeks. " I still don't believe a girl like Lucy's a virgin. She doesn't look like one. She's too outspoken and wild you'd think she's experienced in the things of sin."

Collette shooked her head. " She's as naive as a child on her first day at kindergarten."

Temi closed her eyes and drummed softly on the barrister rails. " Tell me the truth, Collette. Are you and Lucy dating? You two have been awfully friendly lately."

Collette shifted uneasily but her expression didn't change a bit. " I wouldn't say we're dating. I'm tutoring her. We're close but I wouldn't call it dating."

Temi opened her eyes and turned to look Collette over. " But she's deeply in love with you, isn't she?"

" Pretty much."

" Have you told MÔM about this new development?"

" I did."

" And?"

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