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Note:  18+ 🔞 adult contents ❌ not for readers under the age of 18


•••••••••••••UNKNOWN POV••••••••••••

Peter stepped out of the school, feeling light headed.

He did his best. He made it through the sermon without flopping.

It may seemed impossible but it's true. He was always nervous around women.

When he first got the request by the school principal, Mrs Cooker to preach in her school on Sundays, he was ready to decline but he was serving under the states arch Bishop. The Moment the bishop agreed to Mrs Cooker's plea, there wasn't anything he could've done.

Peter was 25 years old. It was his dream to become a Reverend father but he was bad at  giving public speeches and he shys away from women.

The States bishop was very fond of him and thought it'd be nice if he had Mrs Cooker's school as a pathway to his dreams of priesthood.

" Go get some experience, Peter," the Bishop said to him earlier on Monday morning this week. " You're only going to organise the girls and give them the word of God for an hour. How hard can that be?"

What the Bishop never understood was Peter wasn't yet strong in faith when in the presence of women. He once had his first s£xual scandal when he was a teenager, nearly impregnated a girl.

He wasn't ready to repeat the same scandal but this school might seemed the likely place to bring back his old self.

An old version of himself he's been trying to stop surfacing.

The girls were all beautiful and smart but one girl in particular held his attention.

It was the angel, Collette.

Seeing a taxi, Peter waved it down and got into it.

" Hilltop," he said to the driver and leaned back on the seat as the car took off.

During the long drive, Peter's brain was amassed with thoughts. He was still thinking about Collette.

This would be the first time in years he'd ever thought of a woman like this. The way she talked to him after Mass took his breath away.

She was Soo indifferent, Soo cold and unmoved by him and this excited him.

Unlike every other women that's been attracted to him by his good looks even as a young priest, Collette was different.

She had that voice and looks that made him feel inferior. He wondered if she was a virgin or if she has a boyfriend or if she's some naive foolish girl.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Peter shooked his head and brought out his Bible. He hated the fact he was having such dirty thoughts again.

He's been trying to be sober off s£x for as long as he could remember. He didn't want to venture in that journey again. But Everytime he tries, he ended up failing.

He must fight this. His faith wasn't strong enough but he'll try his best.

The first step however, he had to forget about Collette.

When he arrived home, he saw the pair of red female footwear at the front of his door step.


She was here already.

Peter knew she always had a spare key with her but today was a Sunday. He wasn't expecting her today.

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