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Note: 18+ 🔞 adult contents ❌ not for readers under the age of 18


After night prep.

The girls were returning back to the hostel. I remained in class for some unknown reason.

During prep, while others read, I was busy, touching my lips. I could still taste Collette’s mouth. I could still smell her perfume and her shampoo against my face.

And that kiss.

That kiss! I could still feel that kiss!

My first kiss!

Holy cow! She just stole my first kiss. I’ve never kissed anyone in my life. I was saving my first kiss for the day I’d finally meet the man of my dreams. But Collette…..she….she just stole it from me.

I held my head and nearly shouted. Oh my freaking cheese! I can’t believe I’ve just been kissed by a girl.

What does that even mean? Why did she do that?

Fast forward, I’m at the hostel in my room. I was hungry but I didn’t feel like eating anything tonight. My mind was in a whirl. Too many questions banged my head but none could be answered.

Maybe a shower would be alright. I’ve got to clear my head else I’d run nuts.

I still haven’t met my roommate, Chi-Chi but I wasn’t bothered. I believe anytime soon, she’d be back. Trust me, I wasn’t excited to meet anyone anymore. I just wanted to be alone.

Moving away from my bed towards the large wardrobe, I began stripping myself off my uniform.

I was about removing my panties when the door swung opened and someone marched in.

I quickly grabbed a towel and covered myself up. Then I turned sharply to look the newcomer over.

I received a jabbing shock.

It was Collette.

She stood on the doorway, staring at me with her hand holding the door.

My eyes grew wider and my mouth opened, causing my lips to quaver. Wha—what in heaven’s name is she doing here?!

She looked me over, then stepped fully into the room and shut the door.

I took three steps back as she walked up towards me. ” Don’t….don’t come any close to me. I’ll scream.”

She didn’t answer nor looked my way. Instead she stopped before the big wardrobe and opened the closet door. I saw neatly packed uniforms arranged orderly in hangers.

To my horror, she began unbottoning her shirt. I grew hot around the neck as she took off the shirt and unhooked her bra. If I hadn’t looked away, I’d have seen her br**sts dangled off her chest.

Then her skirt and pant fell to the ground and she bent to pick it up. In a short while, she was clad in a large white towel and was wandering towards the bathroom where she shut herself in.

Next sounds I heard were running showers.

I stood transfixed on the spot, still gaping at the door of the bathroom. Just then reality strucked me. I turned my eyes back to her closet and saw a pile of textbooks near the shoe stack.

I saw her name. EZEH COLLETTE CHI-CHI.


I gasped in fright that I stumbled to the ground. My towel fell off and it was just me on the floor with my hands covering my mouth in fright.

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