Church Girls Who Go to Church

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It's just a normal house.

"That's all it is, Jungeun. It looks like every other cookie-cutter suburban house in the neighborhood. It makes no difference that it's Jung Jinsol's house." That's what Sooyoung had said to her in reply to her prompt freak out after they left school. Yeah, it's Jung Jinsol's house. The same Jung Jinsol that looks at her like she wants to tear her apart. She thinks that's what those long gazes mean, at least. She can never truly tell what Jinsol is thinking. Well, she'll maybe begin to understand what she's thinking now that she's going to her house. Also, it is not a cookie-cutter house. It's one of the more extravagant looking ones in the neighborhood. And seriously, how is Sooyoung so charismatic? Jungeun has successfully avoided Jinsol and her Bible study invites for quite a while, but now that Sooyoung offers, she accepts. Maybe it was how she said it. Or her smile. Sooyoung could make a great salesperson. Or a con-artist. But Jungeun knows that she really accepted it so she can learn more about Jinsol, and having someone else there that she's close to definitely makes it better.


Sooyoung almost regrets inviting Jungeun.

"For the tenth time, Jungeun, it's fine!" Sooyoung huffs, shoving her hands in her hoodie pockets as the two walk up to Jinsol's house. Jungeun has been freaking out since she called Sooyoung on the phone after they parted ways, worried that Jinsol will kill her for not dressing like a 'proper young lady'. Sooyoung threw on an old sweatshirt and jeans, her usual go to when it comes to hanging at Jinsol's for Bible study. She throws her hair in a messy bun and that's that. So why, pray tell, is Jungeun freaking out about what she herself is wearing? Sooyoung does notice with some strange amusement that it seems Jungeun is a little... dressed to impress. Usually the girl is in a flannel or an oversized hoodie, but today she's in a crisp blue button-up shirt (rolled up to her elbows no less,) black jeans, and the staple of all... colorful individuals: Dr. Martens. She looks sharp. But why would she look sharp to go to Jung Jinsol's house? It couldn't possibly be.... Who is she kidding, of course it is.

Of course, after Jungeun inquired about Sooyoung's sexuality when they hung out with Jiwoo, she told Sooyoung that she's gay too. And they've found wonderful solidarity in each other both in school and out. But Jungeun didn't have to tell her. Sooyoung can see that from a mile away. Even before the uniform incident, she knew. Sooyoung has a great gaydar, she prides herself on that. So it was no surprise when she learned of Jungeun's first girlfriend, or her crushes on many, many women in dramas she's watched. The girl has a Clairo poster in her room, for crying out loud.

Sooyoung does admit that she's a little shocked at Jungeun having a crush on Jinsol. No, Jungeun didn't tell her. Yes, she is certain it's a crush. She knew by the way Jungeun bombarded her with questions about Jinsol when they first hung out, and definitely by the way Jungie looks at her when they're at school. And definitely if she's over here dressed like she wants to take Jinsol out to dinner. She's not surprised by the fact that Jungeun has a crush on Jinsol, just the fact that it's Jinsol herself. Personally, she wouldn't have a crush on a super religious probably (definitely) closeted girl. Been attracted to one once and nope, that ain't a path she wants to tread on. But hey, to each their own.

"I still hope she doesn't chew me out." Jungeun mumbles, blush creeping onto her cheeks. Sooyoung thinks she's adorable in a little sister kind of way. She thinks Jungie is a total dork and pretty lame when it comes to any sort of romance, but she'd punch anyone else who dares to think the same. Sooyoung pats Jungeun's back as they walk up the path to Jinsol's front door.
"You're fine, dummy," Sooyoung continues as Jungeun glares at her, "Jinsol usually wears sweatpants or jeans when she's home anyways." Jungeun's eyebrows raise slightly. Well of course those are anyone's go to comfy clothes but it feels odd to think of perfect, conservative Jinsol chillin' in sweats. She briefly imagines Jinsol in a hoodie too big for her, laying down in sweatpants with her blond hair fanning out against the bed. Her heart skips a beat. She wonders if she'll see that soon. Sooyoung looks back to Jungeun, who seems more than a bit nervous. "Hey," she grabs the younger girl's attention. Jungeun looks back up at her. "You ready?" Sooyoung shoots her a soft smile. Jungeun returns it, flashing her a thumbs up. Sooyoung then knocks on the door, not before giggling and calling Jungeun a nerd, of course. Moments later, the door swings open.

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