A Slip-Up

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Most friendships start off rocky, this Jungeun knows.

Except for with Jiwoo. She can remember it like yesterday, the girl bounding into her yard after losing her frisbee. No, Jiwoo doesn't own a dog. And no, she wasn't playing frisbee with a group of friends. She was playing frisbee with herself, to 'test her agility,' whatever that meant. Still, Jiwoo's goofiness and pure-hearted demeanor paired with Jungeun's patient and kind attitude was a match made in heaven, and now the two are a fine duo.

Jungeun can't say it will be the same with Jinsol.

She spent a clean five minutes just staring at her phone after Jinsol texted her Friday night. That was definitely a way to spend a Friday night, inside the house of a very attractive Bible-thumper who may or may not disapprove of your existence. Okay, that was harsh. She still remembers the radiant smile Jinsol gave her after she spoke up at the end of the study, that was the first time she's seen the girl glow like that. It was... breathtaking. But is that the only way she'll like me? Jungeun can't help but wonder. Well, the text must mean that Jinsol wants to talk to her outside of Bible study, so hopefully she can get some real conversation out of the girl. Well, she did hope.

It's been five minutes.

The two of them are sitting in their first period English Lit class together, and all they've done is exchanged timid hellos. Well, Jungeun's was a little less timid than Jinsol's. Jungeun has noticed something about Jinsol. Sure, her pleasant and sweet demeanor towards her was mostly broken after the uniform incident. But Jinsol still talked to her, nagging her to come to her house. Now, after the night at Jinsol's house, the girl in question has retreated into herself. Why is she so shy all of the sudden?
Jungeun herself hasn't been too much better. She's usually very up front with starting conversations, she likes talking to people despite her quieter nature. She can be a wallflower sometimes but when it comes to close friends, she comes alive. But with Jinsol, she's very hesitant. She's attracted to her, no doubt. But being shouted at after wearing her self made uniform didn't paint the senior in a good light. Sure, Jinsol's freakout was interesting, but being yelled at for no damn reason isn't the best. She's been guarded ever since when it comes to the older girl, though Sooyoung has helped ease her hesitation. And yeah, the bible study helped humanize Jinsol through her eyes more. But is her religion all she is? Well, there's only one way to find out. There's a couple of minutes before Sister Elizabeth starts class. She'll try to get a ball rolling. She gets up to sit next to Jinsol for a second. Somehow, the older girl hasn't noticed her, still scribbling away in her notebook. It doesn't look like notes for this class...

"Hey," Jungeun starts softly. Jinsol finally looks up, a bit startled at that. She smiles softly at Jungeun, but there's something beneath the surface that Jungeun can't discern. Still, she'll continue on. Since Jinsol only talks about religion, might as well open up with that to not scare the poor girl. "I haven't stopped thinking about the bible study," there's some truth to that. A lot of it, actually. She was going to continue buttering Jinsol up but she didn't expect Jinsol's face to light up like it was Christmas morning. That brilliant, genuine smile returns, leaving Jungeun breathless.
"Really?" Why does Jinsol sound breathless too, like she got proposed to? Damn it, Jinsol. Your obsession with God is usually a pain in the ass but it's kind of cute right now. Jungeun smiles back at her, and she can't help to do it honestly. She nods in confirmation. Might as well follow up.
"Yeah. There was something about your voice there, you... helped deliver His words wonderfully." Jungeun never thought she'd say anything like that in her life. But something tells her it's worth it when she sees Jinsol's elated face become even brighter. How is that possible?

Then, Jinsol laughs.

It's such a pure, sweet sound. Watching her eyes close while she giggles like a schoolgirl in love. Wait, why is that so accurate-
"I'm..." Jinsol seems a little overwhelmed. It's only 8 am and she looks ready to cry, and Jungeun knows its not negative but it's a sight to see. "So thankful, Jungeun. I hope you enjoy His word more and more each time." Jungeun smiles, but there's something nagging her. Why is it always about Him and never Jinsol herself? There's then a comfortable silence for a few moments, with Jungeun sitting there watching Jinsol go back to scribbling away in that notebook. She needs to say more, she wants to know more. Jungeun decides she'll ask something that's been on her mind.
"So uh..." Jinsol looks up to Jungeun as she speaks, that genuine smile still plastered on her face. "During bible study, I noticed it was just you and Chaewon, who I honestly didn't know existed till then," Jungeun awkwardly chuckles at her own comment, but noticed Jinsol isn't laughing. Still smiling, but there's something lurking beneath the surface. Jungeun presses forward once more. "Were your parents out for the night? I would've thought they'd monitor that sort of thing."

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