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Diplomacy has never been Jung Jinsol's strong-suit.

She's been used to being given what she wants, as her parents spoil her and Chaewon in exchange for never being home. The most contact she gets from them sometimes is a notification that money has been deposited onto her debit card. Besides that, she's been used to having debates swayed in her favor or favors done for her due to her innocent, sweet church-girl persona. Now that isn't to say that Jinsol's faith is fabricated, but she knows how to play her cards under the guise of being sweet and gullible. This has been the case if she wants someone in her class to do something for her, or to convince one of the nuns to have more time on a project. Usually some fake tears or pleading gets things in her favor.

When it comes to actual arguments though, that's a little harder. She's always had anger problems, ever since she was a little girl. She's had many arguments and screaming matches with her mother over the smallest thing. But, other than those times, she's been able to distract herself with religion and use it as a tool to calm her down before anything gets too intense. Just a quick grip of the cross on her necklace and a few bible verses repeated in her head and she's good to go.

That wasn't the case in her outburst, or many outbursts, with Kim Jungeun.

Yes, she knows she's wrong when they happen. As soon as she feels herself start to yell and her body starts to shake, she instantly feels regret. But she doesn't know why it happens, why only in the last few months that her anger has gotten more unprecedented. Jungeun isn't even a combative person herself. Sure, she talked back to Jinsol in their last dispute. But even so, she explained herself calmly after that, she never screamed at Jinsol like Jinsol did to her. But, Jinsol supposes, that there's something in Jungeun that inspires such passion within her. The need to have herself seen and heard, even if it isn't displayed in the healthiest way. She needs to mend that.

And what a perfect time to do so, with Kim Jungeun awkwardly sitting on her couch.

The younger girl was ushered in just a moment ago, Jinsol welcoming her with a tone a little less enthusiastic than it was at the bible study.

"Would you like anything to drink?" Despite her nerves, Jinsol still has to be a good host. Jungeun fidgets, hands displaying some nervousness while her face shows a neutral calm.

"Just water, please." Jungeun's sime is small, though sweet as ever. Polite and charming. Jinsol smiles softly to Jungeun as she goes to pour her a glass of water. Soon after, Jinsol joins her in the living room as she hands the girl her glass, Jungeun uttering a soft 'thank you' in response. Jungeun really seems to favor the loveseat as Jinsol sits on the couch across from her. They both drink in silence for a moment, eyes staying on each other's bodies though flitting up to meet the other's some time or another. Jungeun, of course, is the first to break the silence.
"So..." Jungeun begins, catching Jinsol's attention. She wants to shrink under the blonde's sharp gaze, but she doesn't. Now's not the time for nerves or hesitation. She makes eye contact with Jinsol, softening at how soft and tender those hazel eyes look. So we're both scared for no reason. Great. Jungeun inhales and exhales quickly, before continuing, "We should be honest with each other," she pauses for emphasis as she sees a flicker of panic on the older girl's face. As quickly as it came, it goes. Jungeun continues. "Should I go first, or should you?"

Jinsol looks deep in thought, chewing her lip as she looks to the side for a brief moment.

That shouldn't look so cute, Jungeun thinks. She snaps out of her lovesick stupor when Jinsol begins to speak slower and calmer than Jungeun has ever heard her do as the blonde girl looks back to Jungeun.

"I'll go," Jinsol starts. Jungeun notices that her hand drums on her thigh anxiously, not flying up to her cross necklace. Jinsol also sucks in a breath, exhaling shakily before she steadies herself. "I have a hard time expressing my emotions."

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