Chapter 3

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As the group continued to wonder, the silence continues to grow stronger. They've made conclusions and some of them involved the following:

"Maybe they're wannabes?"

"Plastic surgery?"


"Who are they?"

"I'm hungry."

"I've never put so much effort into thinking before."

The bushes were suddenly moving and rustling. Startled, they all leapt to the center and started forming one huge pile.

"The fuck do we do?!" Bokuto panicked.

"Wait? maybe?" Asahi replied, unsure and scared.

"I don't wanna die!"

"Quit being dramatic, boke!"

"Shhh! Everyone shut up!"

The rustling continued, some looked at it in anticipation, in fear, or in panic. The rustling did stop. And they were all able to let out a sigh of relief, until.

"Huh. So there really were people."

And screams came falling down from their lips. Chaos suddenly ensues, as they desperately try to hide themselves and pretend they weren't there.

Akaashi, ever the logical person, took a peek from where he was covering his eyes.

The boy looked. . . . .familiar, to say the least. He had spiky hair that had a blue hue to it. His eyes were sly, one would mistake it for a cat if you were to look at it really briefly, and it showed hazel. The more he looked at this boy, the more he was reminded of,

"Pain-in-the-ass Kuroo-san."

The chaos settled once he said that, out loud unknowingly. Screams were replaced with joyful laughter.

"Excuse me?!?! Pain in the ass?!?! Akaashi! How dare you!" Kuroo screeched.

This made the other roar in laughter even more, some of them had tears and were clutching their stomachs desperately.

"Quit laughing! I hope you die from that!"

They heard a snicker and remembered there was someone they didn't know there.

"Y'all are funny. But, uh, did ya say this guy was Akaashi or something?" The boy spoke.

"Uh yes?"

"What's it to you huh, punk?"

"Yeah! You wanna fight?"

The boy chuckled again. "No. I come in peace, actually. Well, sort of. I thought ya were a cat or something and that Katsumi just mistook what she heard, but here we are. Dammit, I also said I'd be proving her wrong this time, too."

The group looked at each other. Stares of confusion and uneasiness was shared before Bokuto spoke up.

"Hey! So, uh, you kinda look like my bro over here. We were wondering why? Did you go through plastic surgery or something?"

Most of the people on their team groaned, some even went as far as slapping their faces with their hands.

"Uhhh. . . . .I don't know? Look, I share this face with 2 other people, so it's not exactly unique." The guy says.

He continues, "But hey, you do kind of look familiar, too. What's your name? The one who presumably looks like me."

Kuroo gulps and points to himself. The boy nods hurriedly. Kuroo looks around a bit, unsure.

"Uh, well, I'm Kuroo. Kuroo Tetsurou."

The boy gapes. His eyebrows were furrowed and hazel eyes were wandering, almost as if he was studying him. Kuroo looks a bit nervous.

"No way." The boy says, after a few beats of silence.

"Uhh, yes."

"No. Oh my god. Oh. My. God."

The boy exclaims, slowly getting up and standing at his full height. Holy crap this guy was tall.

"Wait here! I- I have to call them. Holy fuck!"

The boy runs back to presumably where 'them' are.

The group looks at each other. Confusion swirling around, more violently this time too.

"Um. . . . .what just happened?" Konoha wonders briefly.

"I don't know, but he said he's calling for them. I'm assuming he means the other two who were here a moment before?" Kai says.

"So, do we stay here?"

"I- I think we should."


"I mean, we don't know where we are. And, well, they seem to be from here. So let's just. Besides, we might get an explanation for this."

"Oh! That's right! You're so smart, Chikara!"

"Sure. . . ."

Footsteps soon could be heard, and they could see three people drawing ever so near.

"See! Look!"

The boy before proudly points at the group. The other two gape. Face painted with disbelief.

"Holy cheese balls."

The trio walked even nearer, though one of them, the girl from before, seems to almost be hiding behind the tallest.

Their eyes wandered, examining them like they were some strange creature that they've never seen before, and them, curious scientists.

This process of examination though gave the group the perfect time to get a good look at their faces. They did all look a tad similar. The only difference you could find, was when it came to their eye shapes and eye colors, but nonetheless, still very similar.

"So it worked?" The guy with the short ponytail and red ombre hair, spoke.


What worked?

"Well, yes, but also, no? Cause technically it was supposed to go to the future, not the past."

Wait what?

Future? Past?

"What the hell are you talking about?" Yaku spouted.

"Exactly what it means. Yer not from our time. Yer from a different time."

"And what time are we exactly supposed to be in?"

"To us, you are the past."

"The what?!?!"

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