Chapter 8

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Time runs fast, and soon, classes were done.

The other members of today's NVC were on their way to the gym, the one's who were already there, just had to change into training clothes and they began their session.

With the presence of batch 2012, they were able to get help from them, sharing tips and tricks, left and right.

That eventually finished too. And the club members were already cleaning up and putting away their equipment.

In that time, Katsumi managed to inform Tetsurou of all the things she's known so far. That there were, maybe, some of them in other parts of Japan. Tetsurou responds with a groan, of course, and proceeds to contact Osachi. Katsumi just smiles innocently.

When they finished cleaning up, the current members went back to their club room, including their managers, while Taketora and Tetsurou stayed with batch 2012.

They soon headed to the entrance of the school, 2012 Nekoma managed to spot a few differences, not a lot but they made the entrance a whole lot more appealing to look at.

They managed to sneak all 33 of them past the security without getting caught, somehow.

"And then we walk the rest of the way back to your house?" Kuroo asked his older version.

Tetsurou grins. "Usually, but~ I managed to actually snag one of our larger cars so, no, I don't think you'll have to walk the rest of the way."

He turns to Taketora. "I don't think I'll be able to take all of them in. In any case, these three are with you, alright?" As he points to where the triplets are, waiting nearby although a bit farther away from the group, Katsurou has his hands on the pocket of his pants seemingly talking. Katsuki is kicking pebbles away, listening. And Katsumi is just looking between the two of them, silently watching.

"You got it." Taketora assures him. Tetsurou nods.

He turns to look at the larger group, "You can start filling that car over there." He points to a quite long and large van, one could even mistake it for a bus.

Yep. That will definitely be able to carry all of us.

"Holy hell. Kuroo owns this in the future?" Daichi whispers to himself.

"Wowww, Kuroo-san's so cool!" Inuoka says, his eyes shimmering with admiration.

The others slowly start entering the vehicle very carefully, as if afraid to touch anything. The inside looked way too expensive for its own good.

"How're you doing?" Kenma asks Kuroo quietly. They were seated beside each other, the third seat being occupied by Kai.

"Fine. Just... can't believe any of this, to be honest. But, I'm slowly starting to take it in."

Kenma nods. His hands finding Kuroo's and squeezing it as a sign of reassurance. Kuroo squeezes his back. A silent 'I'm here' and 'Thank you for being here with me' shared between the two.

Tetsurou soon climbs in with them and checks to see if everyone was doing okay. They all respond with reassurances in their own way, some stating they can't wait to see where he lives. Tetsurou just laughs at that.

He starts the car up and soon they're driving towards where said house is. Along the way, sounds of amusement and shocks are heard inside the car as some of them look out the window.

The street lights were on, and people were already flooding the streets yet traffic seems to be going smoothly. They pass by some street food vendors and suddenly some of them stated they were already getting hungry. The others just chuckled and sighed fondly at them. Tetsurou says they'll have to wait even when they arrive, says he's living with someone who doesn't know how to cook.

"Speaking of, do you have a partner Kuroo-san? Inuoka ends up with someone and even kids, what about you?" Shibayama asks him. Inuoka bumps his shoulder.

Tetsurou hums. "I do have a partner. Though, you'll just have to wait and see who they are."

Kuroo looks at Kenma who's wearing a poker face. Although, Kuroo could tell how he truly was feeling. He was nervous. Scared even, to see who this person is. Anxiety was slowly eating him from the inside.

Kuroo squeezes his hand again. Kenma looks at him, and from his eyes, he could see how truly scared he was. Kuroo offers him a small smile. One that says they're gonna be fine. Kenma smiles back, as if to say 'It's fine'. Kuroo knows it's not.

They start driving through a peaceful road. A place where majority of the houses either seem to be modern or much more bigger than the standard house.

"Kuroo bro lives here? The whole place seems so expensive." Bokuto mentions, Akaashi nods in agreement.

They stop in front of an onyx gate. And as they peer through the windows, they see a very large traditional Japanese house. The land around it seems very big as the house itself is placed right in the middle.

Sounds of exclamation fills the car, Tetsurou smiles proudly to himself.

The gate opens by itself causing even more sounds of exclamation to rise. As they enter, they see Taketora's car parked right outside the house entrance.

The van stops right behind it. Tetsurou tells them to go outside and wait by the entrance where they meet up with Taketora. He instructs them to just wait with him as whoever's inside— he refuses to tell them their name, says they just have to find out by themselves— isn't really that fond of unknown people just barging in.

Tetsurou eventually gets back from parking the car in their garage.

"Just hang on." He says and goes in quietly through the door.

Just a few minutes later, the door slowly opens and they see... well, they see nothing but eyes peering through the door, Tetsurou's figure is seen behind it. He seems to be smiling.

The door closes again and they look at each other, confused.

The door opens for a second time, and this time, they see Tetsurou, smiling widely.

"You're allowed in."

And he opens the door wider, as they all file into the house. Tetsurou turns to Taketora who is slowly going back into his car.

"You're not going in?" Taketora shakes his head.

"Nah, I've still got my own kid to take care of." Tetsurou laughs.

Another familiar head pops up from the back seat of the car.

"We'll see you some time, Uncle Tetsurou!" Nino waves from the open window.

Tetsurou laughs again. "Yeah, see you."

And their car drives out of the property.

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