Chapter 9

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The group goes in and first thing that greets them is a very spacious genkan. They start taking their shoes off, waiting for those who haven't yet and they open the sliding door to the next room.

There, they are welcomed by a very spacious room. A chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. They let out silent gasps.

In the center, there's a grand staircase, the floor is carpeted leading up to the stairs and to the hallway upstairs they can barely see. There's a door to both the left and right.

They smell food coming from the left door, and sounds coming from a device to the right.

Before they start going into decision-making mode to decide which door they're going through, a voice catches their attention.

"Huh, you're exactly the same."

And as they turn their heads right, they are greeted by another familiar face.

One with hypnotizing golden eyes, his hair is in its natural state of color although the tips of it is still blonde, a remnant of when he dyed it.

As shocked faces grace him, he smiles ever so slyly.

"Kenma!" "Kenma-san!"

His smile grows ever so slightly.

"And you're still a rowdy bunch."

Tetsurou soon walks in from being outside. He walks to where Kenma is and kisses his forehead, while the latter just closes his eyes and accepts it.

Graced by the sight before them, some are smiling widely, some mouths are agape, some are already nudging Kuroo, and some are sending teasing looks at Kenma.

"Well that was unexpected." Daichi comments.

"Is it?" Asahi looks at him with his brows furrowed.

"It's not. Daichi's just oblivious to anything regarding romance." Sugawara snickers. Asahi smiles smugly as well. And Daichi glares at them both.

"Wait! Wait! When has this been going on? How long have you been together?" Yaku gapes.

"2011? Ever since Kenma started high school." Tetsurou announces.

"Wait so then..."

And the eyes are suddenly on the two at the very back of the group. Who are; 1) startled and 2) still taking in the newly said information.

"I knew it!" Konoha shrieks. "I fucking knew it!"

"I— how did we not know?!" Komi complains.

"They weren't even the slightest bit of subtle. What the hell?" Sugawara scoffs.

"Congrats Kozume-san." Akaashi turns towards them. Kozume just nods his head in gratitude.

"It's weird having him say that now." Kenma comments.

"It's weird having to address them all by their surnames." Tetsurou corrects. Kenma just hums in agreement.

"Why don't you all rest up and make yourself comfortable in the living room? I'm just gonna quickly help make dinner." Tetsurou turns his attention towards them for a moment and then quickly dashes in the other direction.

Kenma moves his head to the direction of the living room and then starts walking there himself. The others follow very quickly.

When they walk in through the threshold, the first thing that greets them is a TV that takes up all the space on the wall it's hanging from. To the left is another door, to the right is a tall potted plant.

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