Chapter 6

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"What?!?" The 'present' group exploded. The 'past' group looks at them with confusion. What the fuck was happening?

"Yeah." Katsurou confirmed.

"They found 3 of them trying to steal a ball from the gym. Apparently they got bored of waiting and wanted ta play." Katsumi deadpans.

The group groans, a small whisper of 'Of course they did.' passed by but they didn't really think much about it.

A few sympathetic comments were thrown in too, like; 'I completely understand.' and 'That's a lot of self control if they managed to wait for a couple more hours.' and of course, 'What a bunch of idiots.'

The 'present' group stares at each other. They were doing that thing again where they just stare back and forth at each other and suddenly an entire conversation has passed without anyone outside of them knowing.

"Have you told them about our situation?" Shiromaru asks Katsumi.

"A bit. I told them about the part where we had one ourselves. Didn't tell them the part that we had, uhh... multiple." Katsumi smiles innocently.

Shiromaru groans while Jikiru chuckled quietly. "You shouldn't be tolerating this." Shiromaru tells Jikiru. "I know, but I want to." Jikiru smiles at him. And suddenly Shiromaru was no longer frustrated, he smiled back too. If one looked closely, they could see the slight fondness in his eyes.

"Alright lovebirds, so what do we do now?" Tatsushiko interrupts them, an innocent smile but a sly look adorning his face, and Shiromaru couldn't help but glare at him a little.

Shiromaru composes himself before speaking up, "We're having a long week training camp with the others starting next week, let's wait until then so we can all brainstorm this together." he proposes.

The others nod their heads in agreement. There really wasn't much they could do with the situation. It was bizarre after all, who could've thought this would happen?

Some time passed and lunch was nearly over. The others started cleaning, the managers volunteering to clean the containers, which made most of the present Nekoma furrow their eyebrows in confusion but otherwise they didn't question it.

The others that were left, decided to talk with each other while some were just tossing balls in the air by themselves or by pair.

"Have you thought about where they're going to be staying at while they're here?" Jikiru looks at Shiromaru while Tatsushiko listens in the background.

Shiromaru sighs, "No, not really. That is a concern but I don't really know where they'll be staying."

The 3 fall into a silence, thinking about how they're gonna do this.

"Do you think, it'd be fine if we let them stay at our houses maybe?" Jikiru offers. The other 2 hums in response.

"All of them though? Also we haven't even told them about this yet." Tatsushiko reasons.

"That's also a problem. If we do tell them, how're they even gonna take this?" Shiromaru sighs.

"Pleasantly probably. But they'd be confused. And the triplets are gonna have to do a lot of explaining." Tatsushiko hums.

Shiromaru quietly laughs at an image of the triplets desperately trying to explain to them what the hell was going on and the adults looking a bit confused while the triplets huff in frustration and give up and tell them to just figure it out themselves.

The managers eventually come back from washing the containers. Time passed with small talks being shared and some playing one set against each other.

The bell soon rang and they had to go back to classes. As the present Nekoma went back to the school building, the ones at the gym were put at rest, a bit.

They could relax and keep it easy for now. Sure, getting back was their top priority but the solution for that was still a bit unclear. And the other group reassured them that they'll fix this mess as soon as possible. If anything, something about these kids made them trust them, even just a little bit.

For some reason, they felt at ease with them. And despite only meeting them for barely a day, there's this part of them that just automatically feels attached to them. But then again, based on the way they seemed to know Daichi, they have to have some sort of connection to them somehow. Unless if Daichi is really popular in their time, which majority of them, including Daichi himself, didn't seem to think so.

So, who were these kids really?

They seem to know more than what they lead on. Also, toying with them before actually revealing the entire truth about them, seems kind of an asshole move on their part, but hey, who were they to judge?

A lot of thinking to be done, and honestly, while part of the group had decided to do that, the other half thought it was too much work and decided to just play against each other.

Not even an hour has passed and suddenly the gym's doors were moving, as if someone wanted to open them.

The group, in turn, panicked.

"Holy fuck! Holy fuck! What the fuck do we do?!?!" Asahi starts freaking out.

"What if it's just them again? What if they just forgot something?" Yaku rationalized.

"Would the door be rattling like crazy though?" Konoha asks him, he was freaking out internally.

They start hearing voices outside, someone complaining and someone sounding confused.

They hear a 'Click!' and suddenly the door bursts open before they have the time to start hiding like criminals.

A tall figure emerges from outside, along side him is another figure, not as tall as the first one but still quite tall. Both have muscular builds.

As they take a good look at the two, they're greeted with familiar faces. They seemed to be in quite the shock too.

"What the fuck?"

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