Whats Going On?

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As the paramedics checked Simone Lauren stood there with her arms still folded looking at how Dave and Nipsy was babying Simone. She just wanted to throw up at this point. After they was done they gave her strict instructions on what to do.

"Now make sure you keep yourself hydrated and plenty of bed rest. But most of all no stress." The lady told Simone.

Simone shook her head in agreement and walked to the sofa to sit down. After all of that was done Dave walked them out the house. Nipsy stood by her having a conversation until Dave walked back over to them.

"See what I mean? This has got to stop. Now don't give me no lies. Is this my baby or not? Nipsy is here so we can find out at the same time." Dave said to her waiting on her answer still with the gun in his hand.

"I have a headache Dave. I need to lay down. I feel faint still." Simone said trying to get the heat off of her.

"Nah bitch. You ain't dizzy. You don't want to tell the truth cause everyone is here. I know your ass. Tell these men the truth. Whose baby is it?" Lauren said demanding a answer.

" Didn't you just hear what I said? And besides this has nothing to do with your ass." Simone said snapping back at her.

"Oh but that's where you are wrong. Nipsy is my man. And you cheated with my man. So that makes it my business. Now I can play this recording again and Dave can most definitely tell Nipsy what you just said. Now end this shit and get it over with." Lauren said as a matter of fact.

Before Nipsy could reply his cell phone rings.

"This Erimas." Nipsy said.

"Hello I was calling to inform you that your test results are in." The lady said on the other line.

"Are they? Can you read them over the phone or I got to come in for the results?" Nipsy asked the nurse.

"Unfortunately you have to come in and show identification of who you are so we can hand you the results. But we don't close until 6. You got time to get here." She said to him.

"Ok. Give me about 20 minutes and I'll be right there." Nipsy told the nurse.

"Alright. See you then." She said as she hung the phone up.

Nipsy closed the line down and put his cell back in his pocket. He walked over to Lauren and pulled her to the side.

"Listen that was the lady from the office. She has my results for the paternity test. Are you coming with me?" Nipsy asked Lauren.

Lauren just looked at him with disgust. She didn't even want to know sometimes. She couldn't believe she was going through this with him at all. All that they have been through. And for him to cheat on her with someone who's suppose to be her best friend. And now she has a baby on the way and it's a possibility that it's his baby. She was so over it.

"Nip at this point it don't matter if I go or not. The truth will still reach me. I don't want to go. I'm going home." Lauren said grabbing her things and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute. You brought your ass here after I asked you not to. Start all this commotion and now you don't want to go? What type of shit is that? Huh?" Nipsy asked her as he grabbed her arm and turns her back to him.

"Let me go right now. And I mean now. You don't give a damn about me. All you do is worry about you. I'm going home." Lauren said as she snatched her arm from him and walked out of Dave's house.

She walked to her car and unlocked it. As she opened her door Nipsy closed it behind her and turns her back to him once again.

"What you are not gonna do is walk away from me like I'm a nigga on a the street. Yes I fucked up. And I've apologized for that shit. But you aren't gonna keep throwing that shit in my fucking face." Nipsy said as a matter of fact.

Lauren stood there with her arms crossed over her chest. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes.

"What do you want me to say Nip? Huh? You did this to us not me. And now you want me to be all forgiving and loving? And let's not forget supporting. No! It don't work like that. Now move out of my damn way. I want to go home." Lauren said to him.

Lauren got in the car and closed the door on Nipsy. She crunk the car and backed out the driveway. She left Nipsy standing in the driveway. Nipsy got in his car and went to the department to get his results to the paternity test. He was anxious and nervous all at the same time. He didn't want to be the father but if he was he didn't want to be a poor excuse for a father to his seed.

As he pulled up to the building he cut the car off and sat there for a second. He took a deep breath and ran his hands down his face. After a few seconds he got out the car and put the alarm on to walk to the building. As he walked towards the building his cell rings again. He looked at the caller ID and saw it was Tyrese. He answered.

"Wassup man?" Tyrese asked as soon as he answered.

"Hey Ty I was actually about to walk in the building to get my results for the test." Nipsy said.

"Oh wow. Are you ok? Do you need me to come down? Or stay on the phone?" He asked all in one breath.

"No. I'll be fine. I need to do this alone. I'll call you after I get the results." Nipsy said nervous.

"Ok. I'm here man." Tyrese said and hung up.

Nipsy walked in and walked to the front desk.

"Excuse me I'm here for my DNA results." Nipsy said.

"What's your name sir?" The lady asked him.

"My name is Ermias Asghedom." Nipsy said so nervous.

"One second let me get your results for you Mr. Asghedom.

The receptionist walked to the back and was gone for like 2 minutes and came back with the papers to give to him.

"Here you are sir. Was there anything else you needed?" She asked.

"No ma'am. That's all. Thank you." Nipsy said.

Nipsy walked to the car and got in. He took a deep breath and opened the envelope. He read the results and was floored. He didn't know what to say. As soon as he was about to dial on his phone it rung. He looked at the caller ID and it read it was Tyrese.

"Hello. Man I was about to call you." Nipsy said fast.

"So what was the results?" Tyrese asked.

"I'm the father. Damn man. What am I gonna do?" Nip said.

This is about to get real!!!!

Dave gonna kill her!!!!

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