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I walked in the office and sat to my desk. I went through the files that Tyrese left there. As I went through them I saw all of Dave's locations. I saw all his information and where they was planning to bring him down at.

I can't believe this. How am I gonna tell my boss no? Or better yet how am I gonna break my word to my boy? I promised them I wouldn't trade on them. When I made this switch I already caught heat about it.

Now here it is I got to bring down my best friend and old business partner. My mind was all over the place this morning. Tyrese came and sat down across from me.

"Good morning sir." He said all chipper.

"Hey wassup man?"

"I brought you some coffee. Just like you like it." He said handing him the cup.

"Thanks man. I needed this." He said as he sipped the coffee.

"Why that long face man? As I know you read we about to hit big on this case. I can't lie. I need this. Me and my wife trying to have a baby and move like y'all."

I didn't say nothing to that statement. I just leaned back in my chair and looked at him.

"What's got you man? You ain't feeling this?" Tyrese asked putting the cup down on my desk.

"Ty man this isn't some little case bruh. Do you realized who they trying to bring down. Dave and his crew don't play no shit. We can get hurt or some shit."

"So you scared?"

"Hell nah I ain't scared. I just dont feel comfortable doing this shit. I'm from the hood and I know a lot of these guys."

"Forget that man. This is your job. Captain is not giving this to no other team but us. And you know this. Get your head in the game man."

There was a knock on the door before I was able to comment to Tyrese.

"Come in." Ermias yelled.

"Good morning fellas. I'm
sure you have read over your case loads and are preparing yourselves for this. Am I correct?" Blair said.

"Yes Captain. We was just reviewing when you walked in." Tyrese said.

"Good. We will start staking out and following them today. Make sure you secure your identity. We don't want them coming after you or your families. This is a major case. FBI is sending over some help too."

While Cap was talking I just listened. I didn't agree with nothing he said. I knew what type of man Dave was. And he's not talking. He will most definitely go for the kill.

Blair looked at Ermias and snapped his finger in his face.

"Hello? Is anybody home in there?" He said looking confused.

"Yeah Cap I'm listening." Ermias said.

"Why you looking like you don't understand what is going on here? Is there something I need to be aware of?" He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Nah. I'm good. Just had a long night that's all. I just need to finish my coffee that Ty gave me."

"Alright. Well y'all go over your files and come up with your plan. Run it by me when you are done so I can approve it." Blair said as he walked out the office.

As the door closed Tyrese looked back at him.

"Man what the fuck was that? What's really going on? It's something you are not telling me."

"Man it ain't nothing."

"Liar. I know you. You have been my partner for three years. I know you. Now spill it."

Ermias looked around and sighed and looked at Tyrese in the face.

"'I can't do this bust with you." Ermias admitted.

"And why the hell not? Do you realize what you are saying here man? This is the one case we both been waiting for. And now you telling me you can't. What is the reason why you can't?"

"I know Dave. That was my partner when I was dealing. I can't do this man. I can't put my family in jeopardy like that. He's not gonna take this laying down. He will kill me and Lauren for this."

"You got to tell Captain about this."

"No man. I can't do that. When o got hired I promised to do what I had to do to become straight. If I tell Captain that he is gonna feel that I'm helping Dave."

"I mean are you?" Tyrese said raising his eyebrow.

"What the fuck does that mean? Am I?" Ermias said back.

"Aye I'm just saying. Everyone knows you are a detective now. So why would he be mad about you doing his job. Unless you was helping."

"That's bullshit and you know it. You know the street code. I was once there. That's grounds for death. You know how it works. It had nothing to do with the other. I can't put me and my girl at harms way." Ermias said.

"I understand what you are saying man. Trust me I do. I've lived by the streets before. But this isn't something that you can choose from. You got to do this. It's your job."

"Nah I don't. I can decline the case." He said standing up walking to his file cabinet.

"Wait. Let me get this straight. You will put me in harms way for not getting a promotion and extra money as your partner to please your boy?" Tyrese said getting angry.

"Man this is not about you. You can partner with someone else and do this. It don't have to be me."

"And you already know captain ain't playing that shit. Its me and you. And that's that. Grow some fucking balls and deal with this shit." Tyrese said as he stood to leave the office.

He slammed the door and went to his office leaving Ermias in his office by himself. He sat down and slapped the desk.

"Damn it." He said out loud.

His cell phone rings and he answered without looking at the caller ID.

"This Ermias."

"How the fuck you doing this to us man? I can't believe you." Chris said on the phone.

"Let me explain this." Ermias said.

"Fuck that." He said and hung the phone up.

What is gonna happen now????

Who told them????

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Do you agree with Ermias or Tyrese?????

Please vote and comment. Let them match each other. I got so many ideas and want to share them. But I need the support.

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