The Visit

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As I pulled up to my other house, I saw that Simone car was there. I told her that she was not to go anywhere. I got out the truck and walked to the door. I put the key in. The alarm went off and I put in the code and cut it off. Putting my keys down, I walked through the house looking for Simone.

"Simone! Where you at?" Dave yelled through the house.

"Now I know you hear me calling you. Where the fuck are you?" Dave hollered out through the house.

Dave walked to the bedroom. Simone was laying in the bed sleep. He walked over and sat next to her. He just looked at her at first. He wanted to just kill her right there. But he knew now was not the time to do so. He shook her and waited for her to open her eyes and look at him.

Stretching and focusing her eyes she looked at Dave.

"What are you doing here?"

"This is my shit. I can come here anytime I want to. The question is what the hell are you doing? Why in the fuck did you call Nip with lies?"

"What lies? What are you talking about?" Simone asked confused.

"Don't play dumb with me. You called Nipsy and told him you heard Lauren in my bed. First of all who I have in my fucking bed is not your business. Secondly who said that was her?"

Simone looked at him. She sat up in the bed. Reaching her hand out to touch his, Dave snatched his hand back.

"Don't touch me. What did you tell him?"

"I just told him that I know Lauren's voice and I was pretty sure that it was her voice I heard on your phone last night. That's it. He told me he will call me back. Nothing else was said."

"You always running your mouth about somebody else's shit. Now if shit pop off cause of you, you will see me before I told you you would. Now get out the bed and get your dressed."

"Why am I getting dressed?"

"Don't worry bout that. Just do what I said to do."

Dave got off the bed and walked out. Walking to the kitchen he pulled out a water bottle. He went to his living room and sat down. Dave phone started ringing. He looked at it and saw that it was Lauren calling him. He answered it quickly.

"Yo? What's going on?" Dave asked her as soon as he picked up.

"Where are you?"

"I had to take care of some business. What's good?"

"I don't want to go over there and talk. Can I just go back home?"

"Lauren you got to face that man. Contrary to what you think you need this."

"No I don't. All I want to do is go back and lay down. I'm tired. And I don't feel like dealing with Nipsy right now. I mean can you blame me?"

Taking a deep breath Dave grabbed the bridge of his nose.

"I do understand that I really do. But at this point you got to. I told you I will have your back if you decide to come home after the talk. Now if it's not after the talk then we don't need to talk before then. Now I'm not being mean, I just want you to think about your options. You love Nipsy. And I know you do. You can say anything but that heart gonna tell on you every single time. Just go talk to him. Hit me when you done." Dave said to her as he looked to see if Simone was coming.

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