Chapter 2

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Logan Lermen as Zach Goode
We Won't Give Up by The Afters is a good song for Blackthorne.

Zach POV

We (Grant, Nick and I) were heading to Cove Ops class when we got attacked. The people that attacked us managed to gas us, blind fold us and put us in the back of a truck.

When I woke up I was still in the truck. I struggled to get free of the ropes tied around me.

"Easy Zach, it's only a cove ops mission" I heard Dr Steve say, I calmed down quickly. Soon the bus pulled to a stop and I got untied and the blindfold taken off. I looked around and saw the sophomore grade was here. Why are the R&S track students here.

"Now I know you all have a lot of questions but this cove op mission and all of you have to make a plan together, the mission is to compromise some spies before they compromise you, the bags getting handed out have the supplies you need, oh and as a treat the Chameleon and his team will be here as well, so good luck" Dr Steve said then got out of the truck.

"We didn't sign up for cove ops" Jonas said
"Calm down but it's a good thing your here because now we can hack into their coms" I told him
"Smart idea Zach" Nick said
"Yep but that's all I got and that's all we need, just spilt up and don't speak into your coms in front of someone and make sure you cover your mouth so no one can read your lips" I told them they all nodded and we got out of the truck and spilt up.

I quickly got changed into the clothes that was in my pack and went to look for some spies. Soon I heard Jonas got compromised. Damit. I looked around a little more to see if I can see anyone speaking into their coms or doing counter surveillance techniques.
I saw a girl speaking to herself so I read her lips.

"Brown hair, blue eyed, black shirt, faded jeans, in front of McDonalds" I realised she was talking about Jack.
"Jack, you've been compromised" I heard Dr Steve say
"Blond hair, brown eyes, white tee, dark jean, in front of McDonalds" I said into my coms
"Well done Zach" Dr Steve told. The girl looked around to see who compromised her, that's of course when she spotted me looking at her. I quickly winked at her and she just rolled her eyes, Mouthed 'Boyfriend'  then walked away. That was close.


I was meeting up with Grant and Nick at Starbucks. We're the only boys left and we barely got any spies. The weird thing was all the spies we have been able to compromise have been teenage girls, weird right.

Anyway soon the boys got here we walked in and ordered. We soon got our drinks and looked around for a table near the window, but there was none, there was none in the whole café. That's when a girl came up to us. She in Grant's words looked like and Egyptian Goddess, she had dark skin and chocolate brown eyes, her long brown hair was pulled into a ponytail and she was wearing a cheer uniform.

"Hi would you like to come and sit with my friends and I" she asked. I looked over and that there were three seats left at their table and it was right next to a window, perfect.

"Love to" I told her
"Great" she said heading back and sitting down next to a small pale, red head girl,who had blue eyes and was wearing the same uniform. Next to her was another girl with blonde hair and dark blue eyes, wearing the uniform. The last one of them I didn't even noticed til I sat down next to her. She had black hair and blue eyes, She was wearing the same uniform as well.

"Hi I'm Matt, this is Brett and Pat" I said pointing to Grant and Nick.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Lily" said the red head
"I'm Josie" Said the girl who came to ask us to join them said
"I'm Gemma" the blonde said, then the girls turned to the girl I was next, Grant and Nick just noticed her and looked shocked they didn't see her before.
"And you are" I asked raising my eyebrow
"Caitlin" She said
"Well it's nice to meet you all" Nick said smiling.
"So I've never seen you around here before are you visiting or new" Gemma asked
"Just visiting" Grant said
"For how long" Lily asked
"Just today, our plane is leaving tonight" I told them
"Oh, so why'd you stop here" Caitlin asked
"School project" Nick said
"Good to know and it was nice meeting you" Caitlin said and looked at her friend
"But one more thing" Caitlin said and nodded to the girls
"Black hair, green eyes, blue shirt and jeans, looking right at him" Caitlin described me
"Blond hair, blue eyes, green shirt and light blue jeans, looking right at him" Josie described Grant at the same time as Caitlin
"Brown hair, brown eyes, navy blue shirt and black jeans, looking right at him" Gemma described Nick the same time as the others. We looked at them shocked. They were some of the spies.
"Pleasure doing business with you boys" Lily said with that they got up and left.

What the hell just happened?

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