Chapter 1

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Emma Roberts as Cammie.
More by Selena Gomez is the best song for the Gallagher Girls.
Now to the book...

Cammie POV

We were sitting in cove ops class waiting for Joe to arrive, he is later than usual so there must be something wrong. Just then he walked in.
"Follow me" he said. We all stood up and followed him to the disguise room.
"All of you can choose one disguise then go up to your rooms and change and meet me at the bottom of the stairs in twenty minutes, we are going on a mission and it's in Washington" he said we all nodded and went in to choose a disguise.
"Hey, look at this" Macey Said holding up four cheer leading uniforms
"I think that would be great no one would expect cheer leaders behind whatever we're doing" Bex said
"No" I said "you're not making me wear that"
"Come on Cam it'll be fun" Macey begged
"Fine, just put them in here so Joe doesn't see them and grab some wigs" I told them holding out my bag. Macey nodded and put the uniforms into my bag, then grabbed four wigs and we walked out and up to our room.

I got dressed in a over size sweater, leggings and Uggs. My hair was done in a messy bun and I had a little amount of make up on. I grabbed my messenger bag and put two wigs in one red and one black, a plaid skirt, a white blouse, knee high socks, black ballet slippers, glasses, white joggers and the cheer uniform. Once I was done I sat on my bed waiting for the other girls to finish getting ready. Once we were all ready we made our way to the bottom of the stairway.

When we got the I wasn't surprised that we were the first ones there.
"Good to see some people are on time" Joe said to us. We stood there quietly waiting the the others to arrive.
"Ok, thank you for showing up I thought you wouldn't for a second there" Joe said all the girls mumbling sorry
"Follow me" with that he walked out the doors the rest of us following him. When we got into the helicopter he started speaking again.
"Your mission will be to compromise some spies" he said. Liz opened her mouth to say something but Mr. Solomon cut her off. "Not just any spies but spies-in-training, male spies-in-training" he said smirking at our facial expressions. "Now there is another school for spies but it's for boys, it's called 'Blackthorne Intsution for Troubled Boys'" he said making it sound so simple. "One more thing they'll be looking out for spies trying to compromise them but they're not looking out for school girls, good luck girls" With that he opened the door and we were at the DC Shopping Mall.

We made plans for Liz to go to a internet and hook up her computer and start hacking into the boys coms while stoping them from hacking into ours. Macey was pretending to shop, Bex she was talking to some guys who I really hope weren't the guys we are looking and me, I was doing what I did best, being the Chameleon. I was really just walking down the street looking for boys who were speacking into coms or doing counter surveillance techniques.

I was walking past cafe and I looked into the window and I saw a boy on his laptop typing furiously on the keys, you're probably wondering why this is important, it's imortant because I realised that he was trying to hack into our system. So I quickly pulled out my fake phone.

"curly brown hair, blue shirt in micky's café" (i have no idea if this is a real place)
"well done Cammie" I heard Joe say through the coms. The boy looked around to see who compromised him.


I went to starbucks and went straight to the bathroom to change from my red hair, white blouse, plaid skirt, knee high socks and black shoes to My black wig, cheer uniform and white joggers. I put some make up on.

Soon Macy, Bex and Liz were here in their uniforms we got some ice coffes and sat at a table near the window so we could see if any boys came by, There was now only 3 according to Joe.

Soon 3 boys came in one had black hair and Pircing green eyes, One in Bex's words looked like a greek god, he had blond hair and blue eyes, the last one had brown hair. They got some drinks and looked for a table, i realised there was no tables left.

"they're cute, you think we sould invite them to sit with us" Bex asked
"no" i said but at the same time the girls said yes. I groaned as Bex walked up to them and asked if they wanted to join us and of course they said yes. When they walked over they noticed the other girls but not me, good because I don't want to be here talking to them.
"Hi I'm Matt, this is Brett and Pat" he said pointing to his friends. Brett the blond and Pat the brunette.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Lily" Liz said
"I'm Josie" Bex said in an American accent
"I'm Gemma" Macy said, turned to me, Brett and Pat just noticed me and looked shocked they didn't see me before.
"And you are" Matt asked raising his eyebrow
"Caitlin" I said
"Well it's nice to meet you all" Pat said smiling.
"So I've never seen you around here before are you visiting or new" Macy asked
"Just visiting" Brett said
"For how long" Liz asked
"Just today, our plane is leaving tonight" Matt said
"Oh, so why'd you stop here" I asked
"School project" Pat said
"Good to know and it was nice meeting you" I said and gave the a single that they were the boys we were looking.
"But one more thing" I said and nodded to the girls
"Black hair, green eyes, blue shirt and jeans, looking right at him" I said
"Blond hair, blue eyes, green shirt and light blue jeans, looking right at him" Bex said at the same time as me
"Brown hair, brown eyes, navy blue shirt and black jeans, looking right at him" Macy said the same time as Bex and I. They looked at us shocked
"Pleasure doing business with you boys" Liz said with that we got up and left


Ok I am so sorry for all those who were waiting for me to update wattpad deleted this chapter twice it annoyed me to no end.

Thanks for reading and sorry again

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