Chapter 4

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Jason Dolley as Grant
Can't hold us by Macklemore would be another good song for Blacktorne Boys.

Grant POV

I can't believe it girls beat us a group of girls. As we got back into the I felt really ashamed I mean why couldn't I be caught out by the Chameleon or Duchess.
"Good work boys but I knew that you guys most likely would lose" Dr Steve said
"What do you mean" Zach asked
"I mean that the people you were against were more highly trained than you" he told us
"The only people we compromised were teenage girls" I said
"Exactly" Dr Steve said smirking
"What do you mean" Jonas asked
"He means that there is another school for spies but a girl one" Nick spoke up
"Correct" Dr Steve told him
"Wait, I thought you said the Chameleon and his team would be there" someone said
"They were there" Dr Steve said as the van launched forward
"How many of us got compromised by them" someone asked
"Lots of you" he answered.

Once we got back to Blackthorne we had missed dinner, luckily I ate today. We all had to go to our dorms and go to sleep. Groaning we walked up stairs, I heard a few people whining how they were hungry. I just laughed at the for be stupid and not getting anything to eat today.

As we walked into our room Nick started whining about how we lost to girls.
"We should have known that they were spies as soon as we didn't notice Kaitlin at the table because no teenage girl who is a Cheerleader who'd prefer not to be seen" Zach sounded disappointed in himself
"Solomon would be disappointed in us" I said
"Yeah but he left last semester" Jonas sighed
"Too bad, we probably would have beaten those girls if we were trained by him" Nick said smirking
"Jonas, did you see who compromised you" I asked
"No I didn't" he sighed
"Was that place you were at busy" Zach asked
"No not really but someone from outside could have seen me" he said
"Great that lead to nowhere" Nick said
"Maybe we should just go to sleep" I said
"Yeah" Nick said, jumping into bed, yawning
"Goodnight" Jonas said and turned out the lights and we all went to sleep.


I'M BACK! I'm sorry it took so long I know it's a short chapter but don't worry I'd most likely update next week.


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