Chapter 5

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Bridget Mendler as Liz
One Girl Revolution (battle mix) for a song about the Gallagher Girls


I sighed as we started packing, Macy was insisting to pack for us but Cammie wouldn't let her because and I quote 'I don't want to look like a girl who only cares about her looks' the fight between them was kind of funny but it happens every single time we get a mission this time I don't think it will end.

"Why doesn't  Cammie pack half and Macy pack the other half" I suggested

"Great idea Lizzy" Macy said smiling as she started to pack for herself. Bex on the other side of the room mouthed thank you to me. She was probably getting a headache from those two fighting, which they do half the time, it's hard to believe that they're good friends.

I sighed as I put my last laptop into it's case and started to get ready for bed.

"What do you think Blackthorne is going to be like?" Bex asked, from her bed

"The outside will probably look like a juvenile centre, but I have clue what it will be actually like" Cammie stated, yawning as she crawled into bed

"Goodnight, I can't wait til tomorrow and see the boys faces when they realise who we are and they're not the only spies in training" Macey said, reaching over and turning off her lamp.

"Yeah, goodnight" I said closing my eyes and finally falling asleep.

Gallagher Girls And Blackthorne Boys (Discontinued and Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now