Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm going to add in a Youtube video on each chapter of any music I listened to whilst writing said chapter or that gave me inspiration, so feel free to take a look. As a warning, though, I listen to a lot of rap music, so some of the MUSIC MIGHT BE EXPLICIT.


God, was it an awful lesson.

Then again, all lessons were. Whenever was there a good lesson?

Maybe I'll find one some day. Right now, however, I'm just content to sleep on the desk.


I shot up like I'd been electrocuted to see my maths teacher staring at me expectantly.

"Yes, sir?"


"Yeah." I replied. "I'd actually really appreciate some sleep, I was up all night doing the homework you set me..."

"You had two weeks to do it!"

"Uh huh." I grumbled, putting my head back down on the desk as the teacher carried on with the lesson, ignoring me.

Cody Oliver Daniels: the kid the teachers had given up on.

I'd been told that I looked intelligent, when I first started in this school a year ago. The teachers quickly learnt otherwise. I had shaggy dark hair and brown eyes, with a thin face and body. I was average height and had an average body. I had fairly dark skin, that I got from my mum, who was Chinese. Actually, I got most of my looks from her. I looked nothing like my dad.

I was a pretty average fifteen year old boy; football mad and eager to leave school.

I lived with my Auntie Suzie (mum's side) on the richer side of Watbourne, in the English countryside. I used to live in London with my dad, so I didn't really fit in when I first moved here.

Now, however, I had a few friends and was finally settling in. Took me long enough.

"Hey, Cody." a voice said next to me. "Do you know how to do Pythagoras Theorem?"

"Python what now who?" I raised my head above the desk slightly to look at my best friend, Dexter Bennett.

Dex pointed up at the board. "Figured you might know something about it, being from London and all."

Dex and the rest of the guys were always making jabs at me for being from London. I didn't mind; I always made jabs at them for being hillbillys.

While me and Dex began flying through the work (it said that the diagrams weren't drawn to scale, but that was bull. All we had to do was measure the missing side), I couldn't help but peer through my eyelashes at the girl sat in the seat directly in front of me.

Dex punched me in the arm. "Dude, did you forget about the time she rejected you in front of the whole school?"

"No," I sighed, looking back down at the work. "She's really hot though."

At that moment, a kid with sticky-up brown hair climbed over the table behind, sitting on the back of our chairs, with one foot on each seat.

"Jack, if you don't get your arse off my seat-" I began.

"Moving." Jack said quickly. He climbed over the seats and sat his arse right on our work. I sat back in resignation.

"It's a sign from the Gods that I shouldn't do work." I said.

"Don't sound so upset." Dex said. "Hey, Jack, you see the game last night?" Jack grunted as a way of reply.

"We thrashed you." I said with a smirk.

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