Chapter 11

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"Pretty," I admitted, my unable to tear my eyes away.

"Pretty?" the doubtful voice asked me. "Beautiful."

"Sorry, you're right." I amended. "Pretty damn sweet."

"This baby can cut through four demons at once," Lucas said, eyeing the gun with reverence. He held the gun out to me, and I took it cautiously.

"With one bullet?" I asked with slight disbelief.

Luke nodded. "Splits off into two separate bullets, each one is strong enough to send two demons back to hell."

"Sounds like fun." I muttered, still inspecting the gun closely.

"It is," he assured me. "But I doubt you'll ever get to find that out for yourself. By the time you're old enough to play with guns, I suspect you'll have moved out."

"I can't believe that Morgan won't let me come demon hunting with the rest of you until I'm eighteen." I sighed in annoyance, placing the gun carefully back inside the shed.

Luke shrugged. "It's the same for Hayden." he reminded me. "And I reckon it'll probably be the same for Owen."

"Yeah, but I've had real world experience." I said. "I want to help out."

"You should be having this argument with Morgan." Luke said, locking up the shed behind us.

"He won't listen to me." I sighed in frustration. "There's another reason that he won't let me help, but I don't know what it is."

Luke half-groaned, looking as though he couldn't be bothered to have this conversation. "Why do you really want to come with us, Cody?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I frowned. "I just want to help out. I don't have any ulterior motives."

"So it's not about finding your dad then?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow.

Over the last few months, I had spent a lot of time with Luke. Out of everyone on the farm, I found him the most tolerable. I spent a lot of time with him, trying out each of the guns (in case of an emergency, he said), and we'd gotten to know each other well.

When I didn't reply, he headed back towards the barn, leaving me to follow.

"You need to let it go." he said as I trudged along through the mud behind him.

"He's still alive." I said begrudgingly.

"No," Luke turned to me, grabbing me roughly by the shoulders. "He's dead, Cody, you need to give it up."

I tried to hide the hurt that I instantly felt at these words. "You don't know that." I said.

"I know that if you keep thinking about it, it's going to get you killed."

"It's n-" I began.

"Yeah, it is," he said. "The only reason you want to come demon hunting with us is because you're hoping to find your dad. That kind of motivation is what gets you into trouble."

I huffed, looking away. This was the kind of crap I'd expect from Morgan or Nate, but certainly not from Luke.

"Look at me, Cody," Luke shook my shoulders, and I was forced to turn back to him. "When you're eighteen, and you're old enough to actually think before you do stupid shit, then you're allowed to come with us."

I was going to reply but thought better of it. Instead, I settled for trudging along behind him grumpily as he started walked again. I rolled my shoulders, trying to hide my irritation.

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