Chapter 15

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I dreamed that I was in someone else's body (which I probably was). At first, I couldn't tell who I was possessing, but I could tell that I was a demon.

"You let him escape?" ahead of me was a recognisable figure in a dark hooded cloak, surrounded by a familiar, stomach-turning rotten smell.

He turned to his right, and I noticed another familiar face.


He was down on one knee, his head bowed. From here, I could see black blood leaking down his neck from where my knife had grazed him.

"He possessed Thondrea. The fool allowed the boy to-"

"Thondrea?" the hooded figure laughed, a high-pitched screech of a laugh, like a key being dragged along a car. He suddenly turned furious, and a cold wave swept over the room. "You were supposed to be watching the boy, Satan... And the girl would've made the perfect sacrifice. Maybe I should sacrifice you."

"Please, my lord-" Satan began, his eyes wide.

"Stop grovelling, and stand up. Have you no respect?" the hooded figure turned away again. "I thought I raised you better than this. Begging for your life is a sign of weakness."

"Sorry, father."

There was a silence in the room for a moment, as the hooded man, Satan's father, slowly began to calm down.

"Arakiel?" he said eventually. I juddered to attention.

"Yes, my lord?" I asked.

I felt a fit roll through my body of its own accord. I recognised the voice. Of course I recognised the voice. And I recognised the name, too. Ark, they'd always called him. I'd always wondered why he had as weird a name as Arakiel.

My dad. I was possessing my dad.

My life was so screwed up.

"You oversaw the overtake at the school." Satan's dad turned and looked directly at me, though I still couldn't see him beneath the hood. "Did you see the boy, Cody?"

"Yes, my lord." my mouth moved, but I didn't want to say anything.

"And...?" the hooded figure blazed with fury suddenly. "What did he look like, Arakiel?"

"Uh... average teenage boy. Asian, Chinese by the look of him. About five eight. Black hair, brown eyes."

"You just described half of the fifteen year olds in England!" Satan's dad yelled in fury.

"He was with a girl, too." Satan began quickly, trying to calm the other man down. "Looked a bit younger than him. Pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes."

"A girlfriend?" the hooded figure said uncertainly. "A family member?"

"I don't think they were related," Satan said. "She was white."

"Hmm..." the hooded figure thought. "So a girlfriend then?"

"A weakness, either way." the words tumbled out of my mouth. I couldn't believe what I was saying. What my dad was saying. He was betraying me.

"Yes," the hooded figure smirked. "A weakness that we can exploit... what about the farm they ran to?"

"Owned by the Lakes."

"Where are they?"

Satan shrugged. "They left in a hurry is all I know."

"We had nothing to do with that?" his dad asked. Satan shook his head. "Well, then... find these- Lakes- and find out if they have any connection to the boy."

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