Chapter 6

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That evening, I found myself stood, dressed up in my usual costume. However, as I looked in the mirror, I considered for the first time since starting this that it was a bad idea. I had never stopped to think about what would happen if I got caught.

Now, my best friend might expose me for the freak I was.

I waited until I heard Aunt Suzie go to bed, then waited for another half hour to ensure that she was asleep. Then, I turned the light off, casting the basement in shadows. I stepped into one, picturing the hospital which had last seen when I'd fractured my ankle playing football a few months ago.

I blinked a few times, and suddenly I was in an enclosed space. I stepped forward, tripped on something and fell against a wall. Something cold and wet began to leak into my trainers. Swearing under my breath, I reached around the tiny room for a light switch.

My hand connected with the small panel on the wall, and I flicked my switch, throwing light into the dingy broom cupboard. I'd tripped on a mop and bucket, tipping the water all over the floor.

"Fantastic." I muttered under my breath, trying to shake some of the water off my foot.

I opened the door a fraction, peering out into the empty corridor. The only person down this way was a single nurse at the nurse's station, reading a thick book. I figured I could sneak past her so long as my shoes didn't squelch too much. The only problem was, I needed to know what room Dex was in.

I reached back inside the broom cupboard, pulling out a roll of black bags. Peering back outside, I ensured that the nurse was still engrossed in her book before turning the other way and launching the roll of black bags down the hallway. It landed with a thud and rolled away, unravelling all the time, and I quickly retreated back inside the cupboard.

"What the-" the nurse got up, frowning as she followed the trail of black bags.

When she was past, I crept out of my cupboard and along to the nurse's station. Glancing up occasionally to check that she was still preoccupied, I sat down at the desk and typed Bennett, Dexter into the system. Dex's medical record came up, along with information on his current hospital visit.

"Twelve-E." I murmured under my breath. I'd just got up, when I heard footsteps from around the corner. In a blind panic, I ducked down under the desk, tucking myself under as best as I could. I heard two people talking, and the sound of heavy footsteps.

"Check the records." a voice said deeply.

Shit! I thought. The computer was still showing Dex's records.

A figure in a Doctor's scrubs came round the desk, and I tucked my feet in more nervously. However, the Doctor paid me no attention.

"That's funny," he said, his voice lighter than the other's. "His record was already up. He's in Twelve-E."

"Alright, we'll wait for the others to bring the van 'round. Then we'll grab him. He'll know where Cody is."

I felt my heart stutter uncontrollably. These guys weren't Doctors. And it sounded as though they were looking for me.

I waited with baited breath. All the Doctor had to do was look down and he'd see me, cowering under the desk. I would have just disappeared out of there, but there was far too much light in the hallway for me to do so.

I breathed lightly, staring at the boring leather brown shoes barely three feet from me. Clenching my fists, I tried to control my shaking body and rapid breathing.

A moment later, the feet started to move away, and I heard their footsteps recede. I waited for another moment before getting up and hurrying towards the lifts. I called the nearest, and jammed the button for floor E as soon as I was inside.

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