Cassie's POV *SMUT*

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I knew I was about to give up my innocence to the boy I despised. I know this will cause regret and depression but I hope I won't be added to his long and continous list of 'MISTAKES'. Harry speaks up and says

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle." I wasn't worried about the physical pain, but the emotional pain it would cause. He would never love me nor even stay with me. What am I thinking? Where is he going to go once this fling is over? All these thoughts disspapear once he kisses me with a bit of agression.

Harry slides of my underwear and penetrates me without any notice. None of this caused pleasure, only uncomfortable pain.

"Fuck!" I yell while pulling back. I glare at him with hate in my eyes. Harry just laughs and insists it will only hurt for a few moments.

"Why the hell am I losing my virginity in a bathroom?"

"I didn't say we would be surrounded by diamonds and gold, Princess." He hisses.

I just ignore his witty comeback and take the pain. He thrusts deeper and rougher with each moment passing by.  Pleasure soon takes over my body with the full filling. While he was on top of me, grunting I just looked into his eyes. He always carried an angry expression with him, plasterd onto his face.

I felt a warm liquid drip onto my legs. It wasn't what you think. The liquid was a deep red which was coming from me. I looked down and gave notice to Harry. He just rolled his eyes and resumed. Loud moans left my mouth while I through my head back.

I could not get anything out of my mouth other then Harry's name. I kept repeating it while a few moans followed behind it. No matter how much I wanted to leave him I needed him. I only met him a few days ago and not only has he brung out the worst in me but he brung out the best of me.

My legs shudderd as he pulled out of me. I just layed their like a rock sollid dead body. Harry got up, found his jeans, and shut the door after grabbing something. My eyes found a pool of red blood from under me. I was officialy not a virgin. After 3 minutes I stood up and looked in the mirror. My hair was messy, my makeup was smudged, I had hickeys EVERYWHERE, and red hand prints all over my body.

The moments flashed back in my mind like a movie. I needed to find him and talk to him about all of this. I cleaned all the blood off the floor and wiped the excess makeup under my eyes to make it return to the way it was before. I also smoothed out my hair and walked out of the bathroom. I was greeted with everyone surrounding the door, staring at me. I was mortified. Several people screamed SLUT! The other half took pictures of me and threw condom packets at me.

I stood there, speechless. I didn't know what to do other then cry. I ran out with anger and rage. My deep green eyes were probably black I was that mortified. The moment I had sex with Harry I knew there was going to be regret but not like this. As I ran out with mascarra running down my face I was Harry high fiving everyone. How can he live with himself. Harry faced me with a permant smirk glued to his face. His gorgeous face hid who he really was. He was a disgusting bastard!

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