part 13:wand completed

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Found this picture thought I'd share anyway onto the story

Dumbledore sits in his office as he has something sitting on the table in front of him a feather.... A Phoenix feather as he grabs it careful not break it or harm it as he puts it in a case and begins making his way out of the castle

Dumbledore:... Hopefully I am not to late to give this to him

Meanwhile location ollivanders wand shop

In the back of the shop ollivander is hard at work to create a wand for the difficult Rimuru Tempest something strong enough to stand up to his power almost excited for this someone with so much power has to have a wood string enough to stand up to him... And a core capable of handling the magic the issue he now faces... He cannot seem to decide what core to use... He had thought of allowing the boy to take the brother wand to the one that had killed his original parents... But he doubts that the wood could stand up to the power that boy possesses he closes his eyes for a moment when a bell sounds indicating someone has come into his shop working his way to meet with who has entered he sees Albus Dumbledore

Ollivander:ah... Dumbledore can I help you I do hope you are not here because you did the unthinkable

Dumbledore:no no... The wand is fine ollivander no I came because I believed I could help with the creation of... Mr Tempest's wand with this core here

Dumbledore holds up a box as Dumbledore holds it out for ollivander to take doing so ollivander sees a feather

Ollivander:mmm another feather

Dumbledore: .... Yes

Ollivander:I do not believe one feather may be enough Dumbledore...

This causes Dumbledore to raise a eyebrow

Ollivander:that boy is a strong one.. He'll do great things... Or perhaps he's already done them I had thought of using dragon heartstring but perhaps I could try something

Dumbledore nods as he soon leaves as ollivander gets to work as he sighs looking to the side seeing several different types of woods he begins working once more as Dumbledore arrives back at Hogwarts seeing rimuru chasing down the other champions most likely to attempt to warn them

Dumbledore:I'm happy he has a good heart ... I am curious on how he'll handle the dragon that he faces

As day turns to night ollivander has completed the wand that had been commissioned for Rimuru Tempest made of English Oak with two cores a Phoenix feather and dragon heartstring ollivander hopes English oak will be strong enough to handle Rimuru after all english oak was the same wood that Merlin had for his own wand ollivander can only hope that the wand will choose Rimuru after all the wand chooses the wizard as he sets the wand in a box ollivander moves to grab another box opening it to find the unsold big brother to the wand he just made and the wand that has killed so many ollivander wanders if perhaps he should take this with him when he goes to deliver the newly made wand and see if perhaps it can stand up to rimuru... But at the same time he doesn't wish to see it explode ollivander closes his eyes thoughts running through his mind

Scene change

Rimuru as returned to the room followed by the others as rimuru transforms into slime form and resting on the bed

Rimuru:.. Jeez those kids I swear it's like they ran from me

Diablo:master why did you offer them this knowledge

Rimuru:their kids that are going to be facing dragons... I can't exactly just do nothing with that knowledge... And if I'm right and we all go at the dragons separately then they should at least know what their going to be up against

Shuna:I believe it was kind

Shuna picks up rimuru and hugs him close

Rimuru:that said it's kinda messed up that two already knew and had no intention of giving any of the others some knowledge I mean come on I get wanting to have a advantage but what if something bad happened because they didn't know what they were going against

Rimuru sighs as shuna rubs her hand against him in a attempt to soothe him

Rimuru:... Still ... Finding out dragons here are Indangered that's kinda sad I don't want to have to kill one to win a task...

To be continued

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