part 42:meeting in a graveyard

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Rimuru's feet land softly on a patch of grass looking around it appears that rimuru has been brought to a grave yard

??? :welcome Harry Potter or... Should i say Rimuru Tempest

Rimuru looks to the right seeing a snake like man approaching him

Rimuru:.. Who are you

??? :a shame I thought you would know me or perhaps your fame as... Completely overshadowed my own dying and coming back rather impressive honesty you found a way to cheat death

Rimuru:oh... So that's who you are...

Voldemort:yes Lord Voldemort has returned and it's all thanks to your first death though it did take a while to break the protection over your coffin.. I had even begun to believe that maybe you weren't actually dead... So I sent one of my loyal followers to put your name in the goblet of fire... Imagine my surprise.. Then when you return and prove that you did in fact die luckily the spells keeping your old body safe was also keeping your old body in a sort of stasis so I was able to get what I needed

Rimuru:how good for you

Voldemort:and bad for you

Rimuru let's out a sigh before he raises his hand and points said hand behind him as universal thread shoots out wrapping around a small puggy man as rimuru looks at the snake like eyes of Voldemort

Rimuru:so between being a killer slash madman you're also a grave robber and a coward who would rather relay on a sneak attack

Voldemort let's out a noise that sounds like a mix between a growl and a snake hissing as dark Mist surrounds the three of them as men in black robes appear from the mist

Voldemort:I suppose I should clarify he wasn't meant to kill you he was meant to make sure you didn't try to leave

Rimuru:like I'm going to do that


Voldemort chuckles to himself as if recalling a fond memory

Voldemort:your parents had it to

Rimuru raises a eye brow realizing that Voldemort is trying to get a rise out of him

Rimuru:like I'm going to fall for that

Rimuru:so... Are we going to keep talking or are we actually going to do something here

Voldemort:hmph very impatient I wasn't expecting that

Voldemort lifts his hand as the body of harry Potter behind to float and makes its way between the two of them

Rimuru:more mind games

Voldemort:it's eerie isn't it seeing your past in front of you..shall I destroy it for you


Voldemort raises his wand and shoots out a spell right at the body before it hits rimuru's shadow moves and Ultima and Carrera appear with Ultima basically bitch slapping Voldemorts spell alway causing it to fly into a reaper like headstone as it destroys the reaper


Ultima:to attempt to destroy the body that once was rimuru sama

Carrera:you deserve to die horribly

A look of surprise and shock crosses Voldemorts face before he quickly masks it with the hope that no one saw it but Rimuru, Ciel, Ultima and Carrera all noticed it

Voldemort:it appears you had a trick hidden

Rimuru:ultima could you bring my old body here for a minute

Voldemort irritated at being annoyed begins to raise his wand once more. Before deciding to see what is about to happen


Ultima gently lifts the body of harry Potter and behind walking towards rimuru as rimuru lifts his hand up once ultima is in front of rimuru and stores the body in his stomach
Shocking everyone save for the two demonesses and ciel

Ciel:notice foreign soul is in the body shall I destroy

Rimuru:a foreign soul


Rimuru:is it like me someone who died and reincarnated .. Only they got a Used body

Ciel:no it appears to have a connection to Voldemort I believe it is a Horcrux

Rimuru:wait..i had a Horcrux in me...... Destroy it

Ciel:right away

And in a instant Voldemort takes a step back as he feels like one of his Horcruxes had been destroyed

Rimuru:ultima...Carrera.. .. I'll leave those robe wearing idiots to you two the snake boy is mine

Before anything a sound catches the three's attention as they all jump out of the way of a snake that leaped at them rimuru watches as the snake hisses at him and the other two

Rimuru:alright change of plans the snake and the snake man are mine

Ultima and Carrera nod and immediately take off to go.. Handle the robe wearing idiots as rimuru put it leaving rimuru alone with Voldemort and his pet snake

Voldemort:you think those two girls can handle my followers ....followers of the most powerful dark Lord to ever exist

Rimuru:dark Lord huh... Well to be perfectly honest I myself was.. Well kinda still am a demon Lord.. Actually I kinda like the sound of that dark Lord vs demon Lord

Rimuru smiles a bit as Voldemort sneers

Rimuru:so.. shall we begin

For the first time rimuru begins to let loose a bit of his magical energy since coming here and for the first time since regaining his body Voldemort begins to feel nervous

To be continued

Sorry if this isn't to good kinda tired writing this but please let me know what you think in the comments

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