special: proposal

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A special made by my bored / tired brain hope you like it

Rimuru is sitting in his office leaning back in his chair left alone no paper work left to do and so it's here he begins to think

Rimuru:hey Ciel


Rimuru:could you not read my thoughts for a day there's something I want to think about privately

Ciel:but husband am I not your partner have I perhaps done something wrong!? Please let me fix whatever mistake I have made and continue to help you!!!

Rimuru:NO NO NO STOP YOU'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG... It's a surprise for you but I don't want you reading my thoughts as is I've had hell keeping it from you so... Please do this for me

Ciel:*sad* alright

Rimuru:don't be to sad I promise you'll be happy when it happens

Ciel and rimuru end up reaching a agreement and Ciel stops herself from reading rimuru thoughts just as Diablo enters the room

Rimuru:Diablo what are you doing here

Diablo:well rimuru Sama I thought back to when you introduced me to the old wizard Dumbledore and decided I shall do my utmost to truly be... One Hell Of A Butler.....however all I have managed to so far is handle preparing tea for you as well as some food I also cleaned both your home and every room here save for this room as not to interrupt you

Rimuru:well... Damn

Rimuru:that's impressive I'll have the tea and snack but I got some stuff I need to take care of after

Diablo gives a small bow getting rimuru both his meal and drink

Shuna:rimuru sama I brought your-. ...

Shuna stares at Diablo her eyes narrowing seeing Diablo giving rimuru food and tea

Rimuru:you didn't tell shuna did you

Five seconds later rimuru is sneaking out as Diablo is being told off by shuna for taking one of her favorite jobs making it to the outside rimuru sighs to himself now allowing himself to think more about what to say

Sirius:hey rimuru over here

Rimuru:*sigh* damn it

Rimuru:hey how's it going

Remus:well enough we've just met up for lunch why don't you join us

Rimuru:well I would like to really but I got something I gotta do

Sirius:can't even have a lunch break

Rimuru:sorry but it's really important to me I'll see ya later

Rimuru takes off running avoiding everyone who would stop him to talk as what he's thinking about is to important

Hours later rimuru has found the perfect place the sun is setting and he has just enough time to say what he wants to and get his answer as well as several flowers around rimuru can say for sure this place is beautiful

Rimuru:Ciel can you come out please

Ciel seperates from rimuru turning to face him as she looks into his eyes with a small yet loving smile rimuru swears he blushes

Rimuru:Ciel... You really are the best you know that

Ciel looks at rimuru as rimuru continues

Rimuru:not only that you're my partner the partner who's been with me longer then anyone else and you're always trying to help me
you know I wouldn't have gotten anything done if it wasn't for you

Ciel:I do not believe that ...you would have found a way to do it all even without me

Rimuru:you say that but I for one don't believe it ... Having you by my side I don't think in any of my life's have I been happier which is why I want to ask you to .. Well I want you to marry me

Ciel looks surprised before she speaks

Ciel:we are already married

Rimuru:well yea but I mean we should have a ceremony for all to see so that everyone knows who my heart belongs to and who it will always belong to so... Will you

Ciel swears she blushes but she also smiles brightly as the setting sun in the back ground seems to in rimuru eyes make Ciel even more beautiful

Ciel:yes husband let's have a wedding

Rimuru looks shocked then happy and finally he's holding Ciel and spinning before stopping as the two stare into each other's eyes

Ciel:husband... As far as I'm concerned we are already married and will be married for a eternity but I admit my desire for the others to know that my husband is taken and is happy and as you have said your heart belongs to me for me my heart and soul belong to you

The two stare into each other's eyes before their faces begin to move closer inch by inch before finally a kiss one that feels like it lasts for a eternity and one that they don't want to break but Ciel has a question so reluctantly she pulls away and so does rimuru

Ciel:husband... From looking at your memories isn't there supposed to be a ring

Rimuru:look at your finger

Ciel does so seeing a beautiful ring on her finger as she looks back up at rimuru seeing a smug smile not one to be beat Ciel kisses rimuru again then pulls away in the distraction putting a ring on his finger as rimuru notices now it's Ciel turn to be smug


Ciel:husband may I... Do something

Rimuru:um yeah sur-

Ciel jumps on rimuru as the two fall to the ground Ciel holding rimuru close as rimuru returns the gesture they can plan the wedding later for now rimuru just wants to hold Ciel and Ciel wants to stay by her husbands side


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