Part 15: Rita taken

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Rimuru sits in silence as Ollivander inspects the wands of all the Champions well all except for rimuru who allows himslef to think about other matters for one how these kids will handle the first task and what the second one could be if those books were right then rimuru can safely say three tasks may be about it so what are those three tasks then this train of thought is interrupted by ollivander saying something that catches rimuru's interest

Ollivander:veela core

Fleur:from my grandmother

Rimuru:veela wait... Weren't those the ones that can enchant men or something

Ciel:yes.. Veela are semi-human magical beings beautiful women with white gold hair and skin that appears to shine moon bright When angry Veela take on a less pleasant appearance their faces elongate into sharp cruel beaked bird heads and long scaly wings burst from their shoulder

Rimuru:thanks for the by the book Sheesh wait... Why haven't I been effected I thought a number of things here would be different but I haven't really noticed anything

Ciel:... Homeweakering is not permitted

Rimuru:so your making sure I'm not effected like how I can't get drunk because of you


Rimuru:don't be to quick to answer

Click flash

Rimuru is caught hy surprise as a flash from a camera goes off letting rimuru know he's just had his picture taken and looking around looks like rimuru was moved to a different spot to

Rimuru:*sigh* I really need to pay more attention to this stuff

Rimuru and the other champions are soon let go as Rita attempts to make a move to grab rimuru who quickly with a look screaming nope manages to get away arriving at his room rimuru sees Diablo and the others

Chloe:rimuru sensei are you ok

Rimuru:I'm fine

Looking to the side rimuru sees veldora enjoying manga walking up behind velforas head rimuru places his hands on his hips glancing at the manga veldora is reading

Rimuru:are you planning on staying there the entire time

Veldora tilts his head back and smiles

Rimuru:cheeky bastard

Veldora:I don't see anything for me to really do besides you've got it all handled right

Veldora accidently allows a few pages to slide off his thumb as he begins freaking out trying to get back to the page he was on

Rimuru:right you do you veldora

Rimuru leaves veldora to his own devices as he continues to try and remember what page he was on

Rimuru:oh... Right

Rimuru:I'm not going to enjoy this

Rimuru:hey shuna

Shuna looks up to rimuru

Rimuru:I don't suppose I could get you to make me a suit. . And a...  ..... Dress as well

Shuna:a dress and a suit I can

Rimuru:great looks like Ciel will have something to wea-..... I mean thank you

A dark aura surrounds the women  as rimuru is currently really happy he can't sweat

Shuna:are you going to be doing something with her rimuru Sama

Rimuru:er... Well you see... It's like this

Rimuru coughs into his hand thinking of a excuse before one comes to him

Rimuru:right you see it's like this there's a dance

The dark aura and feeling of danger spikes

Rimuru:but well we don't know if this dance is just that a dance or something else like maybe there's a task where we have to fly broom sticks in the air and get our partners back from a flying air ship I just think it's safer for me to take Ciel see

Rimuru mentally sighs when the girls look like they've calmed down they even look happy that rimuru was worried about them but then why all seem to look at each other before shuna points a finger at rimuru

Shuna:we understand rimuru sama she will be your official date for this dance.... But we're all be going with you



Ciel:they are part of the home

Rimuru:jeez... I'mma get a lot of hate for this but then again I guess I can brag about having beautiful women with me for a dance

Ciel:by calling me beautiful you are in turn admiring your own beauty Husband

Rimuru blushes and outs his face into his hands

Rimuru:it's different when it's you

Ciel:..this is False husband is a the definition of beauty

Rimuru:please stop don't go on a rant please

Ciel:.... My I come to the outside once more it would be wise to allow others to know I exist here


And with that Ciel splits from rimuru putting on a exact replica of the same clothes rimuru is wearing

Time skip

Rimuru has introduced ciel to everyone saying it's complicated as Dumbledore allows it walking down the halls of the school rimuru stops as Rita appears from no where before looking around rimuru realizing that she's about to look in his direction and turns around and trust moving away fast unknown to Rita that rimuru as seen her transform or at least appear

Rimuru:a Animagus

Rita appears behind rimuru putting her hand on his shoulder

Rimuru:damn it

Rita:harry dear would you mind coming with me

Ciel:he cannot

As if being saved by a angel ciel appears

Rimuru:thank you ciel you're the best the greatest

Ciel looks to rimuru grabbing his arm and pulling him away from Rita and wrapping that arm in her own

Ciel:please do not touch my husband again

Rita's eyes widen slightly as she smells a story and with these two looking so similar it would be easy to play it as incest and maybe if she wants a abusive relationship with how assertive that other one was   . She can even say harry id the abusive one Rita gives a laugh having all this be written down in the lonely Hall way as she transforms to follow them she's caught in a jar looking at her captor she sees a pair of black and yellow eyes that promise pain seems this person had just read what she had put onto the note bad and didn't like it one bit and with her story about the pain of Harry's past and never truly dying about to be printed into the paper ... Yes a lot of pain will soon come her way

To be continued

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