Chapter 1

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A quiet voice of the news anchor on a small TV was the only sound in the room as Izuku looked through the window into the snow covered scenery. The large UA academy building was looming in the distance, on the other side of the city from his hospital.

It felt like a particularly mocking thing from life to the young man, as if telling him that the school he dreamed about was beyond his reach. It was only more accentuated by the diagnosis from his physician, his fate being decided without any way to change it.

Damage to the spine and his left hip, effectively making him a crippled 15 years old quirkless kid that with a lot of luck would be barely able to walk for the rest of his life. It was the price he had to pay for his 'friend' to live, something that Aunty Mitsuki nearly hugged the stuffing out of him for.

He wished that she would finish the job that this villain tried to do, it would be so much better than being stuck in bed for the next few months and being sentenced to life in pain.

His mother would visit everyday after work, telling him about her day and what she did. She was trying to make him feel better, but it was a bit too late for that. The large smile on her face when he told her that he should try to attend a normal school instead of a hero course was equally painful as his injuries, if not more.

Izuku didn't blame her, the logical side of his mind telling him that it was the right choice. He couldn't compete with the likes of Kachan or other powerful quirk holders, it was just physically impossible, now more than ever. Even his idol, his heroic God, thought the same.

All Might told him that it was impossible, and he knew that the larger than life man was right. The green haired boy knew nearly all his fights, some even leveling entire city blocks before the blonde hero managed to apprehend his opponents. It was only logical that a quirkless nobody couldn't do anything in instances like those, training or not.

His eyes focused on the large snowflakes falling lazily through the air. Their nearly encyclopedic definition entered his mind, together with calculations about their current speed, weight and density. He had an urge to snort from the joke that life played on him, from the morbid amusement that it took all from him just to give a small consolation in the form of a mental quirk and a large scar on the side of his head.

Getting thrown away like a worthless piece of garbage by the sludge villain he hit the side of a building, getting a nasty concussion, shattered pelvis and broken back for his trouble. At least Katsumi was able to get away from that monster when it's attention was on him, even if she herself was one too.

After that incident those numbers just started to appear, giving him so much information about anything he looked at that in the beginning his head was threatening to split open. Now it was just an irritating pain, something that he could ignore, even if barely.

A soft click of the opening doors caught his attention, ripping him out of his thoughts.

"Hey Izu-chan! I'm a bit early today!" Inko happily marched into the room, a small basket with some snacks in her hands. Izuku immediately forced a small smile so she wouldn't see his depressed face, it was the least he could do for her.

The numbers that were associated with his mother listed out all of her data, from the infamous three sizes to the exact number of hair on her head. The amount of information about the things in his vision was ever expanding, but at some point changing into a series of signs and numbers that he couldn't even try to comprehend. Most of the things he could see were like static on an old TV with a really bad signal, causing his headaches to only increase.

"Hey Mom. What brings you here so early?" He asked back, genuinely curious. It was really hard to not focus on his mother and still look at her, otherwise he would just see a blob of data instead of a person.

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