Chapter 2

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Groaning from the severe headache she had, Rosweisse stirred from sleep feeling extremely thirsty. Her throat was so dry that she didn't even try to voice her discomfort, focusing on the only positive thing that she could think of. The warmth she was encapsulated by was more comfortable than she ever felt and the soft blanket made it only harder to wake up. After a few more minutes of internal debate she came to a conclusion that even with how comfortable she was, the need for an Aspirin and a glass of water was too great to ignore.

Cracking open her eyes she saw an unfamiliar ceiling, something that took her another few moments to register. Looking around the room she quickly found out that it was unfamiliar as well, causing her to panic a little on the inside.

She was resting on a couch in a rather big room with a fireplace to one side and a large TV mounted on the wall opposite to her. It was rather bare, as if it was barely lived in. A few photos were displayed on the fireplace but she couldn't really see anything on them from her spot. On the coffee table before her stood a glass pitcher full of water and an upside down glass, reminding her about the desert that was her mouth. Ignoring the glass she picked up the whole pitcher and drank greedily from it, some of the water flowing alongside her chin and neck but she ignored it all because of the relief she felt.

Closing her eyes once more she remembered a bit of what happened, a young man with green curly hair talking to her at the beach. Her cheeks flushed red when she remembered how soft his hair was or from the fact that she hugged him like a body pillow. Then a few flashes of them stumbling along a path to a large house and a few other of him taking off her shoes while she was giggling like a schoolgirl.

The only thing that stopped her from screaming at that point was the fact that her head felt as if Thor struck it with the Mjolnir itself. Looking down, her thoughts ground to a halt when she saw an unfamiliar hoodie on herself. It was rather colorful, depicting a strange dragon with blonde hair and a metallic looking protector over one of its eyes. Her muddled mind barely recognized it as one of the pro heroines in this country, Ryukyu if she was right.

'Nonononononono… I didn't do anything with a stranger, I definitely didn't do anything with a stranger after drinking a bottle of vodka by myself… Oh by the Odin's beard please tell me I didn't do anything with a stranger while drunk…' With thoughts like that she slowly lifted the blanket that was still covering her, only to release a relieved sigh when her grey dress pants greeted her.

Looking once more around the room she found a clock on one of the walls that told her that it was barely past 10 in the morning. The silver haired woman once more sighed, remembering that she was now jobless and homeless. To fall so low after being the personal assistant to Odin himself… Maybe it was better that way? She was a glorified servant in the end anyway, even her pay wasn't that good.

Getting up, she looked around the room once more. It was a bit old and rural but in a good sense, it felt really homey even if a bit barren.

A sudden clatter of pans and pots caused her to jump a little with how unexpected it was. A stream of curses followed just after in a soft male voice that felt a bit familiar. Rising one of her hands a small magic circle appeared over it, a basic paralysis spell that worked like a taser just in case. She slowly walked up to the doors from which the sound came from, stealthily peeking inside.

A large open kitchen connected to a dining room greeted her, but Rosweisse's eyes immediately focused on the mop of green hair that was moving near the ground. The same man that guided her to this home was trying to pick up the discarded utensils in a rather bizarre position, a few strained curses coming once more from his lips. He looked to be human, with no noticeable magical power coming from him.

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