Chapter 7

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"I'm really sorry about all of this, Midoriya-kun. It's not something you need to agree to on any level, I wouldn't try to pressure you in any way." A heavily blushing, bespectacled girl with short black hair said after a long and quite unnerving silence.

It couldn't be helped. It was hard to react in any other way to someone declaring that they wanted to marry you after losing in a simple game of chess. It was so out of the ordinary that Izuku couldn't even find that funny if he tried.

"So-taaaaan! You can't leave meeeee!" The magical girl cosplayer that was still crying while desperately hugging one of Sona's legs didn't help in the slightest.

"I'm cursed, right? Can I cry now? Why does this always happen to me?" A red headed beauty lamented to herself on the other side of the victorian style couch he sat at, being comforted by his childhood friend that he thought to be dead for years at this point.

"There, there. You can cry on my shoulder Rias, it's okay." The ravenette in question gently hugged her club president, comforting her like a small child.

The other two members of the Occult Research Club were just staring blankly at the unfolding situation, with the small white haired girl still glaring daggers at the greenette with her golden eyes.

Looking back at the student council president before him, the green haired teen could clearly see the discomfort she was in. It was hard to determine if it was because of the topic or because of the magical girl clinging to one of her legs with tears and snot going down her face.

"What?" Izuku asked flatly, having a rather hard time in comprehending what was happening any more.

"Well… to put it bluntly… I had an agreement with my family that I marry only with someone that wins with me in chess. I'm next in line to inherit my family's legacy, so my parents aren't too picky in their want of me continuing the line. After our match, my parents contacted me about the fact that our agreement was fulfilled and that I had to confront you about it. I planned to talk to you about this in a calmer manner, maybe over some tea. But my older sister had to 'intervene'." Sona tried to explain, sending a small glare at her sister at the end.

"This…" The greenette's voice rose a bit, getting the attention of everyone in the room. He didn't sound angry or mad, but something didn't seem right. "This has to be the most convoluted prank I was the target of." He said with a sigh.

"Midoriya-kun, I assure you that what Sona-sama told you just now is true. It's why I reacted in such an undignified manner when you declared your win, I'm terribly sorry about that." Tsubaki spoke up, slightly bowing her head in apology.

Taking off his glasses, Izuku massaged the bridge of his nose. How in the world did he manage to get into something like that in under a week of attending school?

Letting out a long and suffering sigh, he glanced once more at the student council president and the mess of a woman that was still clinging to her left ankle. It would be hilarious if that magical girl wasn't as unstable as she appeared to be. Especially as she was able to move so fast that his eyes barely managed to follow, faster than any speed enhancing quirks he ever saw.

Faster than what Rossweisse showed him after transforming into her angel-like, armored form.

From her position on the floor, Serafall Leviathan hissed at the green haired boy like a cat. She felt a slight tingle down her spine when his eyes fell on her, those green orbs deviously mesmerizing to the magical girl. With curiosity she observed the normally invisible white spots that lazily travel along the rim of his irises

"Ahem." Making an obviously forced and fake cough, Sona tried to get back their attention. "As I said before I'm not intending to force you into any kind of arrangement, Midoriya-kun. To be completely honest I wanted to give us some opportunities to talk in a more calm manner, not like this." She gestured to her sister with a mild frown.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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