Chapter 3

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Wiping the last plate with a soft towel, Rossweisse smiled a bit at her finished work. It was so strange… the same tasks that she couldn't hate more were now relaxing and satisfying to do. Something as simple as washing the dishes after the meal she shared with her host gave her more satisfaction than months of slaving over the documents in Odin's office.

Humming an old song that her grandmother used to sing when she was younger, the silver haired girl took off her apron and set a kettle of water on the stove. She took out a box of tea from one of the cupboards, needing only a few tries to find the correct one.

"Izuku-san, would you like some tea?" She asked, raising her voice a bit so the teen in question would hear her from the dining room.

"Yes please, there should be a box with mint tea if you could? Thank you, Ro-san." He replied, still working on the assignments from the school that the girls from earlier brought him.

The silver haired Valkyrie didn't know what to think about the two, especially the red headed one that practically radiated devil magical energy. The three biblical factions were in a ceasefire, not to mention that Asgard had a good political relationship with the devil faction.

The soft whistling from the kettle got her attention, the young woman swiftly switching off the stove and pouring the water into two cups. Cleaning everything up, she took the brewed tea and walked to the dining table where Izuku was just finishing his work too.

"You work fast…" She commented looking at the clock on the wall. It clearly showed that it wasn't even full 20 minutes from the time that she went to the kitchen and the green haired teen already took care of his assignments.

"I like studying. Learning new things is often exciting." He replied, neatly stacking his papers to the side. He took the offered cup and drank a bit of the still hot tea, to the surprise of his guest.

"Isn't it too hot to drink? The water just boiled." She asked with concern.

Letting out a content sigh he smiled at her. "It's alright, I always preferred hot drinks like this." He explained, raising the cup a bit.

"Well… if you say so…" She said, slightly unsure. "Your mother seems to be a nice person, I honestly expected to be ordered to leave your house…"

"My Mom wouldn't do anything like that, especially if she knows that you don't have anywhere to go." The greenette replied but it was clear that he was lost in thought for some reason.

"And I'm really grateful for that. I'll do anything to repay your kindness. I can even help you with studying if you need it." Rossweisse smiled at him, sipping her own tea a little. It was still hot, making her a bit worried for her new friend who just drank it as if nothing was wrong.

"Well…" He started, rather unsure. His green eyes locked for the second time with hers, the strange feeling on the back of her neck returning. Now in the dimmer room she saw that his green eyes shined a bit, as if they reflected some moving light that slowly traveled in circles.

"Those two girls that visited me from school… I think that they did something to my mother…" He started after gazing back into his cup.

"I… I don't want you to think that I was lying to you… with me being quirkless and all." He continued after a short while, causing her to make a puzzled expression. "After the incident that left me like this…" He said, gesturing to his wheelchair. "I'm able to see… things." The greenette paused, a bit unsure by himself.

"So in the end you do have a quirk? What does it do?" She asked with curiosity, sending him a small smile after seeing how nervous he was.

"It's rather hard to describe… When I woke up in the hospital I could see… data? For the lack of a better word… Suddenly I could determine the exact dimensions of any object I looked at. Their relative speed to me, ground and all other things surrounding it. Their weight, density and other information immediately enter my mind whenever I set my eyes on anything, including other people…" He paused for a second, taking a small sip of his tea. "It doesn't end there… I always had a rather good memory but lately I started to notice that I'm remembering everything. I can even tell you the exact number of leaves for each tree we passed today, as bizarre as it sounds…"

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