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(Y/n)'s POV

Its been a few days since me and Harry had detention. I was currently sitting in the Forbidden Forest. Luna was feeding the Thestrals. The silence was so peaceful, this is exactly what I need. My bedroom isn't a good hide out anymore. The Slytherins won't leave me alone, not while Voldemort's name is floating around in rumour.

"Are you okay?" I can hear Luna's voice ask, I like Luna, she always sounds like she's miles away. Probably the best way to be. She's not afraid to be herself, that's what I like about her.

"I think so, I just like the peace" She hummed in agreement, throwing a bit of steak to a foal.

I could hear someone approach from behind us.

"Hello, Harry Potter" Huh, she could tell it was him without even seeing him. Impressive.

Harry examined Luna, he hadn't seen me yet.

"Your feet, aren't they cold?" I noticed her lack of shoes too, at this point I've just not questioned her. "A bit, unfortunately all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared...I suspect Nargles are behind it" 'The heck are Nargles...?'

"What are they" Harry asked, gesturing the horse like creatures. I stood up, making Harry jump. "They are called Thestrals" I said, whilst gently stroking a Thestral on the back.

"They're quite gentle, really, but people avoid them because they're a bit..." Luna started, "Different," Harry finished, "but why can't the others see them?"

I moved so I was standing next to Luna, "They can only be seen by people who have seen death." I continued walking around, I felt like I couldn't be close to Harry. In the end, we will have to be enemies.

"So you've known someone who's died, then?", well, if she can see them harry, yes!

"My mum, she was quite an extraordinary witch, but she did like to experiment.....and one day, one of her spells went badly wrong. I was 9" Poor Luna I never knew she lost her mum. "I'm sorry" out of everyone, Harry would understand how Luna feels. I had the absence of a parent, but not one I missed.

"Yes it was rather horrible, I do feel very sad about it sometimes, but I've got Dad, we both believe you by the way"

Poor Harry, he's been the butt of the school since the start of the year, all because the Minister is consumed by fear.

"Thanks, seems like you two are the only ones that do, (Y/n) for obvious reasons"

I gave him a 'really' look. No one believes me either, claiming that I only want attention.

"I don't think that's true, but I suppose that's hoe he wants you to feel" Now I turned into the conversation. "What do you mean?" Harry asked, I too am also wondering. I knew that Luna was secretly wise.

"Well, if I were You-Know-Who, I'd want you to feel cut off from everyone else, because...if its just you alone, you're not as much of a threat." Huh I never thought of it that way, and by the look on Harry's face, he didn't either. "Well I should go, I have a date" I smiled and waved goodbye, Draco said he had something special planned for me tonight, I can't wait!

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