Home Time

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I had just finished packing my things, and left my luggage with the others, ready to be boarded onto the train.

This summer is going to be different, since I'll be spending a majority of it at the Malfoy manor!

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited.

Me, Pippin and Sooty, (Thanatos was in his box sleeping) were making our way down to the train.

Sooty in my pocket since he wouldn't be able to keep up!

When I heard footsteps and a cough behind me.


Turning slowly, I was met with the faces of the trio.

"Oh, its you guys, what do you want?" I didn't make eye contact with them......especially Harry.

"We are so sorry about doubting you!" Granger was the first to speak.

"But you are from....you know" Weasley said, earning a smack to the arm from Hermione.

"Can we be friends again and just forget this?" Cousin asked, with desperation in his voice.

"No, you doubted my loyalty and trust, thinking that I'm SO evil that I would rid the school of muggleborns! Who do you think I am! If I wanted to kill you I would have done it already!" They winced at my loud voice.

I turned away from them and continued to walk.

Hearing them run and shout after me, I turned round harshly and glared at them.

"What now?"

Harry spoke again, "ok, maybe not friends, not yet, let us regain trust, start a new?"

I contemplated for a moment.

'He is family, and Granger isn't so bad'

"Fine, but I must you something Harry," he nodded for me to continue with a somewhat relieved face.

"Actually....it can wait" then I sprinted down to the train, leaving all three of them with confused faces.

-Small Time skip brought to you by Barty Crouch Jr-

The train had left the station about ten minutes ago. I was in a carriage with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle as well as Blaise and pug-snout.

I've never liked Pansy, she SO (x infinity) annoying. She clings to Draco like he's going to disappear!

Anyways, Crabbe and Goyle had fallen asleep leaning on each other, Draco looked bored as well as the other two.

Me, I was sat with my trust dog next to me and my new pet curled on my lap.

The feel of his soft scales, smooths my skin. Because he is an adolescent, his eyes cannot do anything.

But seeing as I am his master and bound to him, he can't kill me with a glance.

'I'll have to keep him in the basement when he gets bigger'

The trolley lady came down, waking the two who bought nearly everything!

Both me and Draco weren't very hungry so we split a cauldron cake.

"Are you ok coming to mine Riddle" Draco asked with a mouthful of cake.

I winced at the sight of mush up food, but answered him, "of course, I love coming to your manor" I smiled, and he seemed to accept my answer.

After that, the rest of the ride was fairly quiet, apart from the odd bits of small talk.

I forced my self to stay away since I don't trust falling asleep in front of these Slytherins!


Once off the train, me and Draco went to gather our luggage and looked for Draco's mum, who I believed was picking us up.

And she was!

"Ah (Y/N) it's wonderful to see you my dear" she hugged me after she greeted Draco of course.

"It's good to see you too Mrs Malfoy!" I loved Draco's mother, she's really nice, and doesn't almost kill me with hugs unlike my mother.....

It wasn't long, until we were in our way to the manor!

A/N: Its finally time to announce the competition winners!

There were so many entries that it became, really difficult to pick winners.

Some may be come background OCs in the future, I'm not sure.

Anyways, I hope no one feels too bad if they are not chosen!
I already feel bad that I cannot use all of them!

Ok so, the winners are:
MyJungkookAddiction - (scene idea!)
huntressBianca247 - Character
ShadowGirl592 -Character

Congratulations to you guys!!!

Again, thank you to everyone who entered, they were all great!!! 😊😊😊😊

Until next chapter Riddles!

~Verkira 🖤

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